Chapter Ten: Matthew Espinosa Came to My Aid

Start from the beginning

Once we got to Nick's house, we all got out and we walked into his living room. No one was home so it was just us. Katherine and Nick sat on one couch as I sat on another. We turned on the T.V. and watched whatever was on. Then we just having a regular conversation until Katherine started screaming.

I saw Katherine jumping up and down and rolling on the ground. She continued to scream as loud as she could. I couldn't make out a single word she said, until i asked her what was wrong.

She was still screaming, but she stood up and grabbed my hands. She then started shaking them uncontrolably.

"AARON CARPENTER JUST FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!!!" Katherine said as she screamed into my ear. I saw Nick over in the corner covering his ears. He obviously didn't understand Katherine's fangirling.

Then I spoke up, "Oh my gosh Kat! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Katherine then began to run around Nick's house screaming. I looked down at my phone, checking my twitter. No notifications.

Don't get me wrong. I was happy for Katherine, but where was my notice? I knew all the MagCon boys so much longer. Katherine just became a fan of Aaron's like three days ago. I understand that Katherine loves Aaron like I love Matthew. But this all reminded me of my letter. I know I only sent my letter to Matthew just three days ago, but it felt like ages ago. All I wanted a reply. Some sort of hope that everything I've been dreaming of isn't just a figment of my imagination. It could become real some day. I just know it.

I watched and laughed as Katherine continued to run around the house. It was fun to see her this happy and overly excited. I then looked at the time and it was already 4:00. Wow. Time went by so fast. Nick was on his phone, probably scrolling on twitter or something. Katherine was still hyperventalating, but she was doing much better now. I could actually hear her words as she spoke now.

I then heard a ringtone going off very loudly in my lap. I looked down at my phone and saw that someone was calling me. It was Brandon. I picked up and told Katherine to shush.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey J. Are you okay?" He questioned. Oh crap. I completely forgot about telling Brandon anything that happened to me today.

"Oh well, Nick brought me and Katherine to his house because the nurse let us get to go home early. There was a little incident." I explained as vaguely as possible. I didn't want Brandon to know that Ellen hurt me.

Brandon coughed and spoke over the phone, "Yeah. I heard about that. That Ellen chick is messed up. Are you okay? It was going around school that you got hurt, but I wasn't sure because I thought you would've told me if it did happen. And I guess I thought wrong."

Now I felt bad. Now he's going to think I can't tell him anything. Gosh, I was just doing this to protect everyone. But I guess my 'incident' was a little more public than I thought it would be. I tried to explain it to Brandon, "No Brandon. Wait. I would've told you, but I don't want you seeing your little sister hurt."

"J. You're my little sister. I have to protect you. I'm picking you up from Nick's house in 5 minutes. Then you can explain it to me at home." Brandon commanded. I didn't want to go against Brandon so I agreed.

I then hung up the phone. I sighed and looked at Nick and Katherine who were leaning towards me wondering what my phone conversation was about.

I didn't even wait for them to ask, I just start to answer the question that they were all thinking. "Brandon called. Apparently, everyone at school heard what happened. He's going to pick me up in 5 minutes. I think he's ticked," I sighed as I said my goodbyes to my friends.

I hugged Katherine goodbye and whispered in her ear, "Congrats again for Aaron's follow." Then I heard her squeal. I then high-fived Nick and started walking out the door just as my brother's Jeep was pulling into Nick's driveway.

"Bye guys." I said as I walked into Brandon's car. He said nothing. Then, literally 30 seconds later, we got to our house. I walked into the house with Brandon following behind me. I heard my parents in the living room watching T.V. It was 4:30pm so it wasn't surprising that they'd be home.

I knew Brandon had to talk to me so I walked up to my room and waited him to come in and talk. I had the story planned out in my head. I was going to explain the whole entire story truthfully.

Then Brandon walked into my room and closed the door. "Okay Jenni. What is up?! Fights at school? Seriously? This isn't like you."

"Okay Brandon. Let's get this straight. It wasn't a FIGHT. Ellen attacked ME. I had nothing to do with this. I was tripped and had a rough fall. That's all it was!" I yelled to prove my point. I tried to emphasize that it was Ellen's fault.

"She must have attacked you for a certain reason Jenni! No one trips someone out of the blue." Brandon knew me too well. He knew I wasn't telling the entire story.

I sighed. "Fine. I may have done something to make her angry with me. But I was just defending Matthew." I then explained the whole entire story to Brandon.

I looked back at Brandon and he just shook his head. "Jenni. This is what gets you hurt. This is what happens when you try to protect a guy that doesn't even know you exist. You protect him. You get hurt. Then who is there to protect YOU? Oh wait, no one. Gosh Jenni, stop being naive and stupid."

"I'm not being stupid or naive. I believe I did the right thing. Who cares if I have a few bumps and bruises? I defended the guy I love and I'm proud of it." I said confidently, but hurt that Brandon was all against me again.

"Jenni, you're not in love with this Matthew guy. You're only fifteen years old and he doesn't even know you exist!" Brandon began to raise his voice.

"BRANDON WATERS. YOU'RE JUST A HATER!!!" I shouted, but then I quickly covered my mouth with my hands as I strongly wanted to take it back. The words were already out there. He has already heard them. There's no point in trying to take them back.

" just don't get it. I'M suppose to be your big brother and when you get hurt like this, how does that make me feel? I'm suppose to protect you. I understand your crush for this kid. But when it gets you's just too far. It may just be bumps and bruises this time, but what about the next time you have the urge to protect Matthew Espinosa? Hm? You may end up in the hospital and how would I ever forgive myself?" Brandon said as he was obviously vulnerable and emotional. He didn't like seeing me hurt. It was then too much for him that he walked out of my room and into his own room.

I just sat there on my bed speechless. I had no words for what just happened. I just thought to myself. Is Brandon really right? Can I truly be in the hospital next time? That'd destroy him! Brandon obviously doesn't support Matthew anymore, but do I still? Is Matthew that worth it? Yes, he's just a kid. He's only sixteen. How will I ever get his attention by getting myself hurt? But if someone says that about Matthew, I can't just sit there and take it. I'm not that type of girl. That's not who I am. I'm stubborn. I'm strong-headed. I love Matthew Espinosa. That's something that will never change.

I was getting tired and just decided to go to bed early. Today was a long day. My head still hurt and hopefully it'd be better in the morning. Plus it'd be Saturday. So it'd be so much better. But before I went to bed, I went on twitter one last time for the night. I then tweeted.

This tweet contained so much hope. It was my whole world summed up into a few words.

Jenni Waters @jenniwaterss : I love you @TheMattEspinosa


Oh my. This chapter was like 2000 words. Twice the size of a regular chapter. I guess this is a bonus? I just couldn't STOP writing. It was like flowing out of me. Wow. Well I hope y'all like it.

I tried to make the plot as unpredictable as possible. But here it is.

Yes I know Matthew hasn't physically been in the entire story yet, but it'll all be worth it in the end. Just read and wait for it! :)

Any suggestions or comments, leave them below.

I love you all and thank you for reading.

- Jenni :)

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