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Harry Potter Pov

I walked with the boys down the street on the way to get their things. However i still hadn't told them about magic yet. Its a difficult subject to bring up. "Where are we going?" Niall asks. I don't stop walking. "Somewhere. Just follow me." I say. I suddenly feel an arm pull me to a stop. I turn around to see Louis has a hold of me. "Harry stop! You gotta tell us whats going on." He says. "Yeah i mean we basically just saw your mum and dad when they met and we saw them die." Harry S says. "Listen guys i know how you feel trust me but i can't explain everything right now. You just have to trust me." I say. "Can you at least tell us where we're going?" Zayn asks. "You'll find out. Just follow me. I take them through the bar that Hagrid took me through and go out the back to face a brick wall. The boys looked at each other clearly confused at whats going on. I sigh and pull out my want. I tap at some bricks and put it away. After a few seconds the bricks start to move and open up.

Louis Tomlinson Pov  

WHY THE HELL ARE BRICKS OPENING! "Ok thats not normal." Liam says. "Come on." Harry P says. He walks in and we slowly follow behind him. We instantly surrounded by people. They we're wearing cloaks and what looked like witches hat? Ok then its alright i'm not one to judge. I then look up and see owls flying around. Right then. I also see little kids crowed around a window. I the lads and i take a peak to see their staring at a broom? Must love to sweep. "The firebolt!" One boy exclaims. "Its the fastest in the world. Apparently Harry Potter has one." A girl says. Huh? "Where are we?" Zayn asks. Yeah i'd like to know. "Diagon Alley." Harry says. "Dia what?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Never mind just follow me." He says. We follow him into a strange looking shop with boxes inside.

 We follow him into a strange looking shop with boxes inside

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We are in silence until an old man slides in on a ladder. We all flinch at the sound apart from Harry. "Mr Potter." He says. "Mr Ollivander." Harry P replies. "To what do i owe the pleasure." He asks. "My cousin and his friends need to get their supply's." Harry replies back. Our what? What are we doing here. 'Mr Ollivander' as Harry calls him turns to us. Me particularly. "Mr Tomlinson." I look at him strangely. How did he know my name. "I've waited to meet you since Dumbledore told me about you." He says. "Whos Dumbledore?" I ask. A look of realisation crosses his face. "Haven't told them yet have you?" He asks. Harry P shakes his head. "Not to worry. All will be revealed soon." He replies. He walks behind the counter and pulls out a big box containing 5 sticks? "I've been prepared for you 5 for some time now. Come forward." He says. We slowly walk up to the counter and wait. He pulls out the sticks and hands them to us one by one.

 He pulls out the sticks and hands them to us one by one

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Louis Wand^

Harry's Wand^

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Harry's Wand^

Niall's Wand^

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Niall's Wand^

Niall's Wand^

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Zayn's Wand^

Liam's Wand^

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Liam's Wand^

As soon as we pick them up we feel a gush of wind flow through us. "What the hell was that?" Harry S asks. "Your wands finally being with their rightful owners." He says. We look at him in confusion. "Wands?" I ask. "As in magical wands?" Zayn asks. He nods. "Magic isn't real." Niall says. "If it wasn't real would i be able to do this?" He asks. He pulls out a 'wand' and waves it. All of a sudden the box lifted up into the air. I stood in a trace with the object. Liam went up to it and swung his hands above, below it, and around the sides. He turned back to us. "Theres no string." Liam says. "Of course not. Because i am a wizard." Ollivander says. Well this changes things doesn't it...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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