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Louis Tomlinson POV

"Oi lads!" I yell. Harry S, Niall, Liam and Zayn walk into the lounge room where i was. "Whats up Lou?" Liam asks. "Look at what my mum sent me." I say pointing to the big box on the coffee table. They all lean in and look into the box. "Its full of videos." Zayn says shrugging. "Home videos! Come on lets watch them." I say. "What about your cousin?" Niall asks. "He's out with friends." I reply. I get some videos out and put some in.

"Aww Look at how little Louis is!" Niall says. The boys laugh. "Oh shut up you lot." I say. "Don't be so angry Louis. Come on put another video in." Harry S says. I look through the box but stop when i stumble across one. "Louis are you alright?" Liam asks. I just face the video toward them so the can read it. 'Johannah and Lily' ages 13 and 15. "Isn't Lily your other aunt?" Zayn asks. I nod. "Yeah Harrys mum." I reply. They frown. "You ok?" Harry S asks. "Yeah. Mum always said  that Lily was beautiful. Lets see if its true." I say putting the video in. I sit back and wait for it to play. It cuts to a bedroom and i see my mother at the age of 15 infront of it. "Is it on?" My mum asks. Wow she sounds different. "Yeah i think so." A voice asks. Must be Lily. "So do you like it?" Mum asks twirling around in a circle wearing a dress. "It looks beautiful Jay! I might borrow it from you one day." Lilys voice says again. "You mean you want to wear it on a date?" My mum says smirking playfully. "N-no." Lilys voice replies. My mums mouth opens wide in shock. "Oh my god you liar! You like a boy!" My mum says jumping up and down. "So what if it do? Its not a big deal." Lily says. "Its a huge deal Lily! Interview time." Mum says. She grabs the camera and faces it toward  girl with bright green eyes and long red hair. "Wow." We all whisper. She was beautiful. "So whats his name?" Mum asks. "His name is James Potter." She says smiling. "Is that Harrys father?" Harry S asks. I nod. "And where did you meet this James Potter?" Mum asks. You just knew she was smiling when she said that. "At school." Lily replies. "Oh the freak has a crush on another freak." Another voice says. Mum turns the camera and it lands on another girl around about 14. "Go away Petunia." Mum says. "Thats my other aunt. Harry lived with her before he came here." I say. "She doesn't seem very friendly." Niall says. "Trust me she's not." I say. "No i wanna hear how the freak here is gonna marry that other freak and make more freaks." Petunia says. "Oh yeah and you can go back to Vernon the big fat pig." Mum replies. I hear Lily giggle at mums comment. Petunia glares at Lily. "FREAK!" She screams before walking out and slamming the door behind her. The camera turns back to Lily who's frowning. "Don't worry Lils she's just jealous." Mum says. "Why would she be jealous of a freak?" Lily asks. "Your not a freak. Your special." Mum says. Lily starts to smile at mums comment. "Girls come on its time or dinner!" My grandma's voice yells. "Coming mum!" My mum yells. "I'll race you." Lily giggles and they start running out of the room. The video cuts off then.

"She was beautiful." Zayn says. "Yeah i know." I reply. "I feel like i've seen her somewhere before." Liam says. "Trust me Liam you haven't seen her anywhere. She's been dead for nearly 15 years." I say. "Your right must've been someone else." He replies. "How come your mum kept saying she was special?" Harry S asks. "No idea." I reply. "Can we watch another?" Zayn asks. "Sure." I say. I look through the box and come across another video. 'Lily,Johannah, Louis and Harry'  I put it in and pressed play. I see myself when i was about 3 or 4 years old looking into a little crib with a baby inside of it. "Ah baby." Little me says. "Yeah a baby. Its little Harry!" Mum says softly. "Thats my cousin as a baby." I say. Back on the video i see myself point to another woman. She must be aunt Lily. "Yeah thats Harrys mummy! Aunt Lily!" Mum says. Little me smiles and runs over to my aunt. She picks me up and hugs me. "Someone loves my hugs!" Lily says. Little me nods and hugs her harder. "My special little nephew." She says. "Just as special as you?" Little me asks. "You definitely special. Your just like me sweetie." She says. Lily glances at my mother holding the camera and gives her a smile. Its like her smile was telling mum something and i think mum understood. "So are you ready to have a sleepover with aunt Lily and cousin Harry?" Mum asks. "SLEEPOVER!" Little me screams excitedly. "You sure Louis fine to sleep here the night?" Mum asks. "Of course Jay. Don't worry about a thing. James will be home in a few hours and he loves Louis. It'll be a fun night." Lily replies. "Alright well i better get going. But i will see you tomorrow little man." Mum says tickling my stomach. "Ok mummy! I'm gonna show aunt Lily my singing!" Little me says excited. "Oh i would love to hear it." Lily says. " Say bye bye to the camera guys." Mum says. "Bye!" We both say. Me dragging it out in my little baby voice. The video finishes there.

"Hey look this was taken on Halloween!" Niall says happily. I look at the date and see he's right. October 31st 1994 (I had to change the year they died otherwise it wouldn't make sense) Hang on that can't be right. I quickly pull out my phone and scroll though the pictures i have and i stop on one. Its a picture of my mum, me and my sisters at Lily and James's grave. '1970- October 31st  1994' "Louis you ok?" Harry S asks. "The date. This video was taken on the day they died." I say. "Wow are you serious?" Zayn asks. "I was with them when they died." I say.

Liam Payne POV

Lily Potter. The woman i see in my dreams. I've seen how Louis aunt died. She was murdered and from what Louis said he was there and witnessed it with his own eyes. I know she was killed but things still aren't clear yet. All i see is Lily but nothing else. But i'm gonna find out what happened that night. But first i need to tell the boys about my dreams.

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