Happy Meatloaf

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Chiwa's POV:
"Lunch is ready guys!" I yell out while bringing the pan of meatloaf to the dining table, placing it in the center. "Ah, this is great! This is the first time we're gathering at the table like this in forever." I comment. "Oh yeah, it is isn't it? Lately, we've just been doing our own thing." Kit adds. I look to her with a playful smirk, sitting down in my seat. "Yeah, we've as in you and Lea. Since you two got together, he's taken you out on dates one too many times, going out on the town here and there. For Vegeta and I, well, we've just been staying in." I explain. "Doing what?" she asks with the same smirk plastered on her lips, sitting down in her seat. "Nothing!" I quickly answer, feeling a bit bashful. "You don't need to hide it from me, I'm honestly happy for you." she reassures me.

"Who's happy about what now?" Lea asks, showing up from behind Kit, taking his seat beside her. "I'm happy for Chi and Ve." she answers. "Chi and Ve?" he asks with an amused expression. "Well I thought it was cute." she responds, taking a spatula to a corner of the meatloaf, scooping it for her plate. "Oh yeah, well, I think you're cute." Lea observes, pinching the apple of her cheek. Since they were right in front of me, I couldn't help but watch. Part of me wanted to go aww and part of me wanted to be I'm cuter. But I am happy that they're happy and that's all that matters.

"If I'm cute, you're adorable." she remarks, meeting Lea for an eskimo kiss. Kill me. "Aww, you're both so great. Anyone see Vegeta?" I comment. Not a moment too soon, Vegeta comes out from behind the two, rounding the table to take his seat beside me. "Oh look, there's my handsome man of a guy." I announce, leaning in with my lips puckered, asking for a kiss. "What?" he asks. I lean back, putting my elbow on the table. "Nothing.." I mumble. I don't know why recently, but Vegeta and I haven't been as lovey dovey as Lea has been with Kit... Am I losing my touch?

Once each of us take a turn of piling meatloaf on our plates, and I don't mean Kit and I, we begin having a good ole talk, catching up on things. "..so and then, sometime next week, I've finally got this one to meet my mom." I mention, pointing to Vegeta. "Oh really? He hasn't met your parents yet?" Kitsune asks curiously. I shake my head in response. "Apparently, we've been going a little slow lately, but I'm glad that we're taking these steps together." I say, looking to Vegeta with a warm smile. "Heh, it must've not been too slow if he's meeting your mom before I've got a chance." Lea remarks. I look to Lea, tilting my head to the side. "I haven't introduced you yet?" I ask. He shakes his head in response. "Oh wow, I'm sorry, I guess when we were together, it wasn't given that much thought..." I apologize sincerely. "So will there be a chance to meet her?" Lea asks once more. Kitsune and I both scrunch our brows for this one.

"What do you mean?" I ask Lea. "Well, why can't I meet her?" he questions further. I pause a second before answering, taking time to think about what to say. "I guess due to certain circumstances?" I answer, shrugging my shoulders. "Like?" he pursues. "Well I don't know about other moms, but I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't know how to take it when I mention the fact that you were dead and you somehow came back to life. Like what would I even say first off? 'Hi mom, this is Lea, a man, well a Nobody, whom I was dating, but then he died in an unfortunate event trying to save my best friend, but he's well and alive now as you can see.' I think that pretty much sums it all up." I explain.

There was a moment of silence before Lea answers. "Well, I guess you've made it pretty clear." he sulks. "Hey now, you can meet my parents! I'm sure they'll be interested in meeting you." Kit mentions, trying to cheer Lea up by rubbing his back. "I'm sorry, but y'know... it's not like I was trying to keep you away from them. I just needed time to get my words together before we went seeing the parents and I guess...I dunno...I sort of lost my chance." I explain further. By the time I know it, I hear a plate slam against the surface of the table.

I jump in my seat at the sudden noise, looking to the right side of me. Vegeta was sitting there in his seat with his arms folded and his eyes shut. I look down to his plate, which had been cleaned empty with not even a crumb. "Lunch was delicious." he expresses bluntly, making no movement. "Um...you're welcome..." I thank him almost hesitantly. I wonder if he could tell it was Kitsune's cooking and not mine. Kitsune raises her brow in response, across of him, probably wondering the same thing I was. All I did was help, but it was Kitsune's talent at cooking that got the job done. Finally, Vegeta opens his eyes, shifting his gaze dead set on Lea. Why was he staring at Lea??

A minute or two pass and still nothing said from Vegeta. "Lea." he finally speaks. "Yes?" Lea answers. "If you really care for Kitsune, you should be more considerate towards her emotions. Constantly talking about things when you were together with Chiwa, that doesn't matter now, does it? Chiwawa over here is my woman now and I would appreciate it if you just leave it at that." Vegeta expresses what he feels. I look over to him. "Chiwawa? Is that my new pet name?" I ask, smiling. "It is what you may." he answers bluntly, while holding up his plate, asking me for seconds. I grab his plate and reach for another scoop of meatloaf.

"Ahem. I don't know what you mean by Lea needing to be considerate of my feelings. He is very considerate of my emotions and I trust him." Kitsune comments to Vegeta's observation about things. "If I do speak for myself, it is you to be doing the more considerate things for Chiwa. After what I've heard, you've been doing non boyfriend things. Are you guys really dating? Are you making my best friend happy?" she adds. Vegeta raises his brow. "I make her very happy. One shouldn't have to doubt my appeal." he answers. "Okay!" I interject before this gets out of control. "Vegeta is my boyfriend, he makes me very happy such as Lea makes you happy. It may be different, but I assure you I'm happy. I appreciate you worrying about it, but it's okay! I'm happy for you guys as well!! Happy happy me!" I sing cheerfully, while going ahead to eat what's left of the meatloaf on my plate. Yep, that was overdone... They all probably think I'm crazy right now... I glance up from my plate and notice everyone's eyes were on me. "Happy!" I add, holding a thumb up, continuing to eat my lunch.

This is all Lea's fault for mentioning something weird since earlier at the store and now again at lunch.... I just-I hope the rest of the time goes by smoothly...

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