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Chiwa's POV:
"Okay so we'll need ground beef, gravy, oatmeal-" I begin listing the ingredients. "Oatmeal?" Lea repeats, curiously. "Yes, oatmeal." I answer. "I've watched my mom make this stuff before. She uses oatmeal." I explain. "Ooh, well if she adds oatmeal, then that must taste-" "Amazing. That must taste amazing." I interrupt Lea, finishing his sentence.

Lea and I were strolling down the aisles grabbing the ingredients we needed for today's meatloaf. He was pushing the grocery cart and I was making sure he wouldn't add in anything else otherwise. That was how we did our grocery shopping when we were still an item... I couldn't help, but feel this way. Was I honestly sulking about this? This wasn't fair of me to act this way. It definitely wouldn't be fair to Kitsune while I was dating Vegeta now and it definitely wouldn't be fair to Vegeta while I was thinking of Lea. Uggh. What is a woman in love supposed to do??

Wait, what, hold up... I may be in love, but I'm not in love with whom I used to be... No. No. No. No. N- "Chiwa!" I get startled by the sudden call of my name. I turn to look at Lea. "What?" I ask. Lea picks up a box of Oats, holding it up over the cart. "Oatmeal." he shows me, before setting it down. I begin to chuckle at how silly this was all being in my head. "Oatmeal." I repeat with a smile.

"Alright, so do we have everything we need?" Lea questions as we get in line at a cashier. I look over the list and double check the items in the cart. "Yup, yup, and yup. We got everything!" I acknowledge, turning to him. "Yes! Ah, I love doing this." he says with a hint of satisfaction. "Doing what?" I ask. We were next, so I start putting an item one by one on the conveyor belt. "Well y'know, it's been awhile since we've done something like this together and I've gotta be honest. I quite miss it." he voices out with an attempt to be sentimental. I finish taking each item from the cart. "Oh really? Well y'know," I start by repeating the start of his words. "now that it's different, it's really not my place to be doing this with you anymore, but I appreciate your help." I finish. "But we're friends aren't we? And as friends, we can still do these things together every now and then." he comments. "That might be easy said than done." I add. "And how so?" he ponders.

How so? I don't even know how so. I don't even know how to answer. "Paper or plastic, miss?" the bagger asks me. "Hmm, oh um, plastic." I respond with a grin. "Chiwa.." I hear Lea sigh beside me. What's a good excuse? A good...excuse... "Well because, if you and Kit are truly into each other now, then I think you two should be the ones to go grocery shopping or just spend some time with each other and honestly, I wouldn't want our past to get in the way of that." I hastily explain, turning to Lea with a pretty positive smile if I could ever pull one off. And trust me...now was the time.

Once we finish paying for our groceries, we grab our bags and head out the door, me walking a little bit faster than usual. "Woah, Chiwa. Wait up!" Lea calls out to me, trying to keep up with my footsteps. "What do you mean our past would get in the way?" he questions. Just keep walking, maybe I could beat him home. I really didn't want to talk about this now. I want to look to the future with positivity. "Chiwa." he calls my name again. Giving up, I stop in my footsteps and turn to look at Lea. "What I mean is...take care of her, okay?" I ask, quite nicely if I do say so myself. "Heh." he starts chuckling. "I see. I wouldn't want to let you down then." he responds with a smile, almost pained, but a smile indeed.


*Kitsune's POV*
I watch Lea and Chiwa walk out the door. I sense the tension and awkwardness, but I know it'll be good for them.

I preheat the stove and lay out the utensils for mixing as well as gathering what's needed to sit on the dinner table.

As hard as it may be, I want them to be friends. Just like I want Vegeta and I to be friends. But, I think it may be a little harder for Vegeta and I to become "friends".

I place silverware in their respective spots as well as the plates. I scan every area to make sure I have everything I need.

I realize that I haven't grabbed the big mixing bowl we use to mix the beef with the other items to make the meatloaf.

As I open and close cabinets, I can't help but wonder how Chiwa and Lea are.

I hope they're getting along...

I was really afraid of hard feelings whenever Lea and I got together. Although it wouldn't be fair for there to be, I could at least understand it. Everything seems fine so far. Chiwa and Vegeta are happy, as am Lea and I.

I open the last cabinet and to my dismay, the must bowl was found...but at the top shelf.

I groan and curse at the idiot that decided to place the bowl way up there.

"Ah, Lea..." I shake my head and laugh at the probable verdict.

Now, how the hell am I going to get this? I could fly.. but that's too easy. I could ask Vegeta...
I look behind me and realize that he went back into his room.

Hmm... I tap my chin.

Finally, I shrug and begin to climb the counter. Before I could fly, I climbed for things if Chiwa wasn't available. The nostalgia is nice.

Ah, life before we met Lea and Vegeta. The last few years have been a rollercoaster for sure. Vegeta, caught my eye originally, is now with my best friend and honestly, I couldn't be happier.

Lea and I had always been good friends. And when we found out about them, we were hurt at first, but the happiness that they shared, was more than enough to make it okay. So, that left Lea and I. And the more time we spent together, the closer we grew out of our friendship. We were hesitant at first, but then we just went for it and hoped that our happiness made it okay to them as well.

I slowly stand up on the marble top and reach my arms to grab the bowl.

"Got it!" I cheer to myself.

I hear a door open and close.

"Lea?.." I turn to face our front door but lose my balance.

"Ahhhh!" I shout, bracing myself for a fall.

I'm caught by something or someone, rather. Familiar strong arms grasped me. My squeezed shut eyes relaxed as I look up find that my hero is actually...


Gazing into his coal black eyes, memories flooded through my head like a tsunami. I couldn't help but blush being this close to him once again for the first time since I...well you know, died.

"You are as foolish as always," he closes his eyes, shaking his head. I notice I was still holding the bowl as he stands me up and turns to go back towards the room.

"T-thanks," I call out.

"Don't mention it. Just get them two to hurry up with the dinner I'm starving!" He shouts back never turning around once and slamming the door again.

I stand there for a minute, covering my heated face.

"What was that..." I ask shaking out of it right as the front door opens.

"We're baaaaack~" Chiwa sings and comes into the kitchen, Lea shortly behind her.

"Hello, hello! Yes, let's get started!" I rush over to the bags, ripping into them and taking things out.

Chiwa and Lea look at each other and then back at me and shrugs.

"That's my Kitsune!" Lea laughs.

I look up to the crimson haired man and smile.

Yes, I'm now YOUR Kitsune and yours ONLY. Right?

Loving You [Spin Off of Lean On Me]Where stories live. Discover now