An Awkward Beginning

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Chiwa's POV:
And as I stood there, in the doorway of our apartment complex getting ready to carry in the bags of what I bought for groceries, my jaw gapes and my stomach was doing all sorts of turns. The sight that had caught me so much off guard when I opened the door, Kitsune and Lea had been caught making out on the sofa. They must've not heard the door swing open, otherwise they would have been surprised and would make an attempt to help me with the bags, and yet, it was me deciding not to budge or interrupt the love nest that was going on right in the middle of the living room.

I was in shock. I don't know if it was the fact that my best friend and ex boyfriend were kissing each other or what, but I know not to get involved considering the fact that I'm with Vegeta now and sure, I should be happy, but I'm starting to wonder...have I made a mistake? What is this guilt that I'm suddenly left with? These past few weeks, I've been stumbling across them flirting with each other and to be honest, it's just plain weird. I don't really know what to think or how to act upon a situation like this. I'm not even sure if I can face them alone... In all honesty, I feel kind of hurt. Like I'm the one who's supposed to be by Lea's side, not Kitsune. Of course, it is me who chose Vegeta, but in defense, they are the ones who died and kind of left us stranded. Sure, I know, it wasn't their fault, but ugggghhhh. I hate feeling like this...

It wasn't a moment too soon when she notices me from the corner of her eye and parts with Lea. "Oh Chiwa! I didn't notice you standing there. Why haven't you said anything?" she inquires, distracting me from my thoughts. Uhhh, what do I say? I have to think of something tactful. "And me, take time away from the two of you bonding?" I smirk. "I've only just got back and I was debating whether to walk on through or not." I explain.

Phew...that should do it for now. She'll just think I'm being silly and acting normal. "Well I can help you put them away if you want." she points to the bags. Honestly, those two are the last ones I want to see right now.... "It's okay, I've got it. Thanks though." I forge a smile and walk on through to the kitchen part of the apartment. Kitsune nods and gets back to socializing with Lea, as I start placing each item into the cabinet. That's when I start to hear their conversation ever so lightly.

"Is it just me or is Chiwa acting...different?" Kit whispers to Lea, with concern. "Let her be. She's probably not warmed up to the idea of..y'know, us dating." Lea comforts her. I really don't want to be listening to this right now... "I didn't really have a choice myself when we found out she's dating Vegeta." I hear her pout. I thought she was okay with it. "Well, now you have me." he reassures her once more. He used to be mine... I feel myself sulking.

I decide not to eavesdrop anymore. Once done putting the groceries away, I round the counter. "Hey guys, what do you feel like eating today?" I ask. "You're cooking today, Chi?" Kit wonders, wrinkling her nose. "Why of course, girly. Since you've been gone, I've learned a thing or two." I respond with a wink. "Ooo, I really want pancakes and bacon!" Lea chimes in. "Really? Breakfast for lunch? We just had some earlier." I explain. "Yeah, but we have leftovers." Kitsune informs, taking Lea's side. "Ah, okay. You just don't want to try any of my cooking. I'm so sad." I tease. "Well maybe next time."

I turn and make my way towards the room I've been sharing with Vegeta this past year. "Yoohoo, honey boo, it's me." I cheer, knocking at the door before entering our room. As usual, he's just laid upon the bed, sleeping away. He wasn't normally the type to sleep in, but his pattern's changed since then and now he almost always skips breakfast, so I wake him up at lunch time. "Yoohoo! Mr. Prince of all Saiyans, time for you to wake up!" I call out to him, making my way to his side of the bed. "Vegetaaa" I whine. "Wake uppp." I try nudging the sleeping prince. He twitches his leg under the blanket as a response. "Vegeeeetttaaa" I call out for the final time, pushing him harder. Suddenly I feel Vegeta's arm rise from under the blanket and grab hold of my arm, pulling me down over him. "*oof* Vegeta! It's time to wake up!" I say again, landing over his chest. "I heard you a bunch o' times already! Just leave me be!" he yells groggily. I reach my hand up and poke his cheek, saying "Nooo" He opens one eye peeking down at me. "Did you just defy me?" he asks. I nod my head and smile. "Mmhmm, whatcha gonna do about it?" I tease playfully, poking his cheek harder, as I slip from his hold getting off the bed and making my escape out of our room. "Uh-aaaaah!!!" I hear Vegeta yell as I rush out of our room back in the living room.

Kitsune and Lea turn their attention to me. "What the heck went on in there?" Kit asks with concern. "Oh, you know, just waking his majesty up for lunch." I say casually, making a beeline for the kitchen. Not a moment too soon, I hear stomping sounds making way over to me. I glance up to the shadow hovering over me. "Wh-what is it?" I grin sheepishly, trying to hold in my laughter. Vegeta was still in his pajamas, the ones I bought him one Christmas. They were green with Christmas trees all over it and felt silky soft. "*sigh* Wo-MAN! Do I have to ask for it?" he questions with a hint of aggravation. I scrunch my brows together, asking "Ask for what?" Exhaling a breath of air as if giving up, he brings his head closer to mine, closing the gap with a smooch. This catches me by surprise, but before I have time to react, he pulls back apart, leaving my mind blank.

"Uuum..." I feel my cheeks flush with pink. "Hmph. That's your punishment for waking me up so early." he snarls with an amused expression. "If that's her punishment, I wonder what he'll do for her reward." I hear Kit whisper to Lea jokingly. I peek through my peripheral vision at Lea to see what his expression was. Lea was still and quiet, his eyes focused on Vegeta. Kitsune waves a hand in front of Lea's face. "Lea? Are you okay?" she asks, snuggling against him. I turn my eyes back to Vegeta, feeling annoyed that they were being so lovey dovey in front of me.

"What is it?" I ask, noticing Vegeta stare at me. His expression almost in pain. I pout my bottom lip and tilt my head. "*sigh* it's nothing." he answers, turning away to walk back to the room. Well alright then, he'll tell me eventually.

Kitsune gets up from the couch, moving towards the counter. "Mind if I help with lunch?" she asks. I shake my head in response. "No go ahead." I said, whilst taking out the frying pan from under the oven. "What are we making?" she asks. "I was thinking of meatloaf." I answer, shrugging my shoulders. Kitsune scrunches her brows at my response. "You don't make meatloaf with a frying pan." she inquires. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Oh, I'm sure." she grins. Giving in to her point, I put the frying pan back under the oven and grab a square pan. "This?" I show her. She nods, saying "Yes, that's it because we'll be baking it. Are you sure you can cook lunch today?" she questions. I look to her. "Why?" I ponder. "Because you got everything for the groceries except the ingredients." she shows me. "Oh." I mumble. "Oh." she mocks.

"I can go get them." Lea volunteers, standing from the couch. "That'll be a good idea! Chiwa, you should go with him." she suggests, looking over to me. "Me?" I ask, pointing at myself. "Yes you and I can start preparing the kitchen." she explains. I nod slowly and look to Lea. "I guess that's okay. Is that okay with you?" I ask Lea. He nods in response, holding up a thumb. "Fine with me!" he says smiling, before slipping his shoes on getting ready to go out. I look back to Kitsune. "Well, I guess I'll be going then." I smile at her. She grins at me in response and waves bye. Taking a breath, I head towards the door and leave, Lea following behind me.

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