Chapter 8: My House

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     Let's just skip today and start right after school. Natsu and I were thinking of ideas. "Well we both write down our emotion, but how will we now if we don't actually love each other," Natsu explains. "Hmm, it'll be tough. Maybe we could write who we DO love and we try to merge them," I say. Natsu grins, "That's a good idea." I smile at his compliment. We walk forward to my house. We enter my house and took our shoes off. "You want a snack or something to drink?" I offer. Natsu shook his head, "No, I'm good, thanks."
     We head up to upstairs that's just an open room. "This is my room." Natsu looks around so this whole floor is your room?" he asks.  I nod and sit on my couch. He sits on the bean bag chair and takes out some paper. We start writing. "Blah," I say to myself and crumble the paper. I write new lyrics but they come out wrong. I crumble it and throw it away. Natsu looks up at me for a second then looks back at his paper. I stand up, "I'm gonna change real quick." I walk into my closet and close the door. A few minutes I come out of the closet in my blue car sweater and shorts. [Photo on Top]
    As I sit down Natsu throws a piece of paper away. We continue writing for an hour or two. I check my time, 4:30. I put my phone away and keep writing. I then try to hum the song in my head. At that moment Natsu began humming the same sound. We look at each other. "What the?" we say. We stand up and switch papers. "Did you look at what I was writing?" Natsu asked. I frown, "How if you're sitting in front of me!" Natsu thinks for a moment. "It's like we have the same thoughts in music." I nod, "Weird."
     "You want to sing over the song?" I ask. Natsu nods and we head to my music room. After and hour of looking over the song we walk downstairs to the kitchen. "You're awesome!" Natsu compliments. I smile, "You're not so bad yourself!" I open the fridge and toss a water bottle at Natsu. "Thanks." He opens it and drinks. I take out some food to cook since they didn't have lunch. Natsu hugs me from behind, I feel my face turn red. "N-Natsu?" He lays his head on my shoulder, "You smell good."I blush even harder, "A-Arigato..."
     He turns his face now looking at my neck. I get chills when I feel his breath on my neck. He leans in kisses my neck. "Uh, I-I call this sexual harassment!" I say blushing. He look up at me, "You're right, I should kiss you directly." I back away, "T-That's not what I meant!" The feeling in my chest grew, even more when Natsu pins me to the wall. "Haha, ok, good prank! You can stop now!" I say. Natsu leans in, "Do you want me to stop?" I blush again, "Y-Yes, very much!" Natsu smirks and grabs my waist, "You sure about that?" He leans down and kisses my neck again.
      "Sexual harassment!" Natsu stops, "Ok, ok, I've had my fun." I was a flustered mess, I slid down the wall and sat on the floor in embarrassment. Natsu looks down at me, "Lucy?" He kneels down, "Maybe I went too far." I stayed red and kept repeating, "Natsu....Natsu....Natsu...." He smiles and picks me up, "Snap out of it Lucy." "Natsu....Natsu...." I repeated. Natsu grins, "I'm gonna kiss you." That didn't snap me out of my trauma. He shrugs and puts me down. "Natsu....Natsu....Natsu....Natsu." Natsu grabs my waste and kisses me. I snap out of it and slap him. I gasp, "G-Gomen!"
     Natsu looks back at me, "It's fine, I deserved it. Kissing you was the only thing I could think of and it worked." I pout and blush, "Y-You just stole my first kiss meanie!" Natsu raises his eyebrow, "I'm honored." I 'hmph' and go back to cooking. Natsu sits at the table as I get our food ready. After our lunch we talked a bit. "Luce, you would be a great wife!" Natsu says. I blush, "W-Wife?" "Yeah! You're a great cook." I stand up and take our dishes to wash. We finish and head to the living room. I turn on the TV and put on a movie. "Uhh about the kiss stuff, I was just trying to mess with you." I look over at him and smile, "It's fine."
       I stand up to make us some popcorn and sit back down. "You know what it looks like?" Natsu asks. I look at him, "What?" "A date." I blush, "B-But this isn't a date!" Natsu laughs, "I know, you blushing is just cute." I try not to blush at that comment but fail. The microwave goes off and I grab the popcorn. Natsu and I share the popcorn. "Ya know, girls don't usually like horror movie," Natsu says. I smile, "Well this girl does." Natsu nods, "I've noticed." An hour later we finish the movie and Natsu gets his stuff to go.
    "Well, thanks for having me over," Natsu says. I smile, "It was fun." Natsu begins to walk out. "Eh wait!" I say. Natsu turns around and I kissed him. "Well that's a way to say goodbye," he says. I blush, "Ah! G-Gomenasai!" Natsu grabs my waist and lifts my chin with his hand. "Guess we're dating now." I blush but smile on the inside, "Uh-wha-n-now?" He smiles, "Bye Lucy!" He let's go and walks away. I walk back into my house and close the door. "Natsu and I...." I smile.

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