Chapter 15

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It has been a couple days since my talk with Maxton. I still can't get over the fact that his reason for not coming back was he just couldn't. I am honestly just so mentally tired of everything. I walked and walked and walked, I wasn't sure where I was going until I was at Bretton's room.

"Dela? What are you doing here?" He kept looking around, probably for Thomas.

"I honestly don't know, I just started walking and this is where I ended you have a family?" He looked at me shocked.

"Yeah, a gorgeous wife, three beautiful girls and two handsome sons. They're my life." I looked at him.

"Then why are you here?" He looked down at the ground.

"Umm, my oldest son got into some trouble with Sir Hector, and Sir Hector was going to make him into a slave, into a torturer...I couldn't just let that happen so I told him I would go in my son's place, and now here I am. I've only been here a few weeks, maybe three. Why are you here?" I cringed, but turned my face blank.

"Well, my father lost his job, and needed money, I have a lot of siblings back home, but I'm the eldest. My mother had died and that changed my father into a cruel man, he would beat me and try to beat my siblings, but I always got in the way and took their beating, well then my father decided he would sell me and live off the money he made from that. So I went willingly, because I made him promise to leave my other siblings alone, then it all got too much, I was here for a year in a half without even stepping outside, I was constantly down here in this room, yet I never made a peep. I just couldn't do it anymore, once he asked me to give up my virginity, I knew I had to get out, luckily Alex is the man Hec was trying to impress, and Alex let me hide in his room, but as Alex slept on the floor I created a plan, one that got me out of here...then I met Alex and his crew and joined them, I became a mercenary just like my Mama. Everything was fine until Maxton showed up, then he set me up and handed me back to Hec, and now here we are, but I plan on getting out of here again, but it will just be a little harder with five other people." I took a deep breath.

"Wait...there's only four of them, who's the other person?" I smiled.

"You, of course." I tilted my head as I looked at him.

"Really? After everything I did to you?" I laughed.

"Well, you aren't like Big don't enjoy making me feel pain, and your not here by choice so, I see no reason not to take're a friend now..." With that I got up and left.


I know it's really short, but it's honestly just a filler chapter...please, please don't be silent readers!!! I need the feedback!!!





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