Chapter 14

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It has been a total of 6 days, 2 hours, and 5 minutes since Bretton stopped torturing me. My back is healing nicely. The cuts are still partially open, but some are closed. Hec has made me Bobbie's private servant. It sucks! She is always making me do these ridiculous tasks! I just can't wait to plan my escape...everyone else's too! 

"Idela! Idela! I need you to start the bath for Maxxie and I. Also, after that, bring us some bubbly." I rolled my eyes, but did it anyways. 

After the bath was running, I walked down to the kitchen where Alice was working over the stove. "Dela! I haven't seen you since--" She couldn't even finish.

"I'm fine, really. My main priority is getting you all out of here." I smiled at her.

"You're gonna come with us, right?" She looked skeptical.

"Trust me, I am gonna try." I smiled and grabbed some bubbly. I walked up the stairs to the fourth floor, and knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" I walked into the bathroom carrying the tray with two cups and a bottle of bubbly.

"Here you go, Bobbie," I then looked over at Maxton, he couldn't meet my eyes. "Maxton. Is that all? Or are you planning on making me do some other stupid thing? I mean, I could wax your shoes, or maybe even destroy them." Bobbie glared at me.

"Still jealous I see...he's mine now, so back off." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, it's not really a loss...I mean someone who can turn on their best friend isn't someone who I want a relationship with...friends or other. Now, can I leave? I understand he's yours, he's not something I want nor wish to have." She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Go and clean my room, you have ten minutes." I nodded my head and left.

I haven't seen Alex or Jed since the fun room, but I saw James once. I caught him walking through the halls. I just really hope the other two are okay. I know they can have big mouths.  

Bobbie's room is horrible. Clothing was thrown everywhere, and jewelry was all over her vanity and floor. It was awful.  I picked up all the clothing first, once that was done. I picked up the jewelry off the floor, then I started putting them where they go in the vanity. I was almost done when Maxton walked out of the bathroom with just a towel.

"Idela." I ignored him and continued to put the jewelry. "Idela, stop and listen to me." I still ignored him. "Idela!" He grabbed my wrist and spun my around, as he did that I lifted my hand and slapped him in the face.

"No! You don't have the right to get my attention anymore!" I spun back around and finished, just as Bobbie walked out of the bathroom.

"Why isn't my room finished yet?" I looked at her.

"It's almost finished. I just have to make your bed, then it is done." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"You didn't do it fast enough! I told you ten minutes! No less!" I laughed at her.

"If it was such a big deal, then why don't you do it yourself! God! You are such a spoiled brat! I think I did a pretty good job! I mean do you know how may clothes you have spread all over the room? A lot, is all I can tell you. Honestly I think you have more clothing then I did in my entire house, and I have a lot of siblings! Come on! How many times do you really need to change your outfit? Pick one the night before and continue to wear it the rest of the's not really that hard to understand!" I looked at her and rolled my eyes. 

"Get out! Get out, now!" I shrugged and left, Maxton following me.

"Idela, can we please talk?" I ignored him and continued walking. I guess he had enough, because he pulled me into one of the spare bed rooms and shoved me onto the bed. He then grabbed the study chair and sat down in front of me.

"What the hell!" I glared at him.

"No, Idela you are going to listen to me." I shook my head.

"I don't need nor want to speak to you, you're scum!" He looked down ashamed.

"I know, I didn't realize what I was really doing to you until it was too late. I mean, I was hired to find you. I didn't know he was going to turn you into a slave. After I left, Idela, I had been given a gift. I am really good at tracking people down. I didn't think about why Hector would need you, I didn't even know until I had signed a contract that it was you I was to find. Now, I'm stuck here, because I can't leave you here alone. I was going to leave, but I couldn't." I glared at him.

"It's not like it's really that bad here for you. I mean you having sex with his daughter, sleeping in silk sheets, bathing in glorious bath tubs, and eating delicious foods. You're not a prisoner, you're a guest. So, stop acting like it's a horrible experience. You don't have thousands of scars all over your body, or the bags under your eyes. You don't have to watch the one person you trusted most give your freedom up just for a little cash. You didn't have to go through the pain! I had been locked here for over a year and a half, but I escaped! All by myself, now I have to escape with five other people! Do you know how much is resting on my shoulders? I have to not only save my life, but the lives of five other amazing people. So don't give me that load of trash. You're a big boy, if you want to leave, leave. You are not my friend anymore, Maxton. I still can't believe we used to be friends, maybe you should've just stayed away from me. You should have never even come back!" I wiped the tears falling down my face.

"I'm sorry, I really am." I looked at him, and just shook my head.

"Why didn't you come back once you were healed?" He looked down at the carpet.

"Honestly, I don't know. I just didn't. I can go on and on making up excuses, but to be honest I just didn't. I mean I thought about you a lot, and I really mean it. I did, but I just couldn't go back. Then when I found out it was you I had to track down, I was excited. I finally would get to see you, and now I ruined your life." I looked at him, and just got up and left.

He just didn't...he just didn't. Wow what a wonderful excuse. Guess it makes it all better now?

Like I said before, Pain is pain, unless I say it's not. Well, that goes for emotional pain too.


Hey guys! So glad you're still reading! Okay so I really would like some suggestions! The video up top is one of my favorite songs by Patrick Jorgensen...Million Questions...please listen to it!!!





Sold, without regretOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora