Chapter 11

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It's been three days since Alex tried to kiss me. I have been avoiding him as much as possible, I just don't even want to talk to him. I have been sticking with Alice for the last three days, it has been awful. She is all about girly things, not that I don't like to talk about girly things, but it gets annoying. 

"Dells! Can you wait?!" I looked over at Alice. "We're going into Velinkice!!! They have the most handsome guys I have ever seen there!" I must have gave her a strange look, because she rolled her eyes at me. "You know, I have my needs, too!" 

"Oh my god! Alice stop! I didn't need to hear that!" I kicked my horse to go a little faster.

"Alice, what did you do to her, now?" James asked her.

"Nothing!" She answered a little too quickly. They then began to argue...

As we were riding down the path to Velinkice, I saw movement in the trees. I hooked my reins on my saddle horn and jump up, so I was standing on the saddle. I pulled out on of my throwing knives, and stared at the trees waiting for movement.

"Idela, what are you doing?" Jed asked.

"Theirs--" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before three arrows were shot out at us. I threw my knife, and heard a satisfying hiss of pain. I grabbed another knife and threw it, I heard a yelp of pain, and smirked.

"Who are you!" I yelled. Then four bodies, one girl and three males, dropped down the trees. They all stood tall, and as I looked at all of them I made eye contact with one of the boys. 

I sucked in a breath and held onto my knife a little tighter. It couldn't be him, he died.

"Idela?" I just looked at him, my jaw on the ground. This couldn't be him. H-he died. He was killed. I watched him die. I watched him stop breathing. Then I looked at the other people. The girl wore a smirk on her face, and the other boys just looked between him and I. I looked back towards him, and started shaking my head.

"No, y-you died!" I felt my eyes water. "I watched you!" I hop down off my horse. I walk towards him. I stop just before him. "I saw you take your last breath, I saw them  bury you in the ground, I s-saw you die...". A sob escapes my lips. "". 

He looks at me, and opens his arms. I practically jump into his arms. He holds me tight, pressed up against his chest. "I told you, I would always be there for you,  that I would always be your Maxxie, you just left a little early..." He sighs. "My sweet, sweet Dela. I always keep my promises. From, coming to visit you to saving you. I always keep them. I thought you knew better." He squeezed me tighter to his body.

"But I saw you die!" I push away from him enough to see his face.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I really am, but I survived. I was healed." I looked at him.

"How long?" I looked in his eyes, and saw guilt slide through them.

"Four years." I felt a pain go through my chest. "Look, Dela, I'm sorry. I had to get my self back. I wasn't completely me. Then, I just, I..." He trailed off.

"For four years, I thought you were dead. I thought I lost you, but in reality you were just 'finding' yourself?" I rolled my eyes. "For four years, I mourned your death, then when I needed you the most, you weren't there! All, because you didn't want to come back just yet!" I took a deep breath. "My mother died! And you weren't there for me just, because you didn't want to be!" I took another deep breath.

"What do you mean?" He looked pained.

"I mean, she died! She's dead, and all because you weren't ready to come back you missed it all! My father sold me, I was sold like an animal!" A tear slipped down my face. "I was beat and whipped and cut and abused almost every other night! All, because I fought! I fought, because you died for me, so why waste your life for nothing? I guess, I could have just given up and I wouldn't have wasted anything." He looked down ashamed. 

"I'm so sorry. I just, I--" He didn't even get to finish his sentence.

"He fell in love you idiot! He met me, and fell in love. He didn't want you anymore. He didn't need you anymore, when he had me. So stop with trying to get him to pity you. That's just sad. If you want pity, look else where, but stay away from my Maxxie." I looked over to the girl.

"What's your name?" She scaled at me.

"Bobbie, why?" I smiled at her.

"Well, you see, I just needed a name to put on the grave stone, that's all!" She looked shocked, then looked to Maxton.

"Are you going to let her talk to me like that?" He looked in between the both of us.

"Bobbie, Hun, my Maxxieboo, doesn't get a choice. I saw what I want, when I want. He's never been able to control my mouth, he's tried for years." She just glares at me.

"You whore! He is mine!" I just start laughing! I look up at Maxxie, and see him laughing too.

"Chill, I was just kidding. Maxxie and I have never been anything romantic and we never will. He was my best friend. No, I'm lying." She looked at me with anger. "Maxxie was more than my best friend." 

"I knew it! You didn't fool me!" I smirk.

"Maxxie was my best, best friend. We used to be inseparable." My smile thinking of all the fond memories we have together. 

"Maxxie, can I talk to you?" He looks at me and nods his head. I walk into the woods a little bit, Maxxie following close behind me.

"How could you?" He looks at me.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Okay, I feel terrible, Dela!" I roll my eyes.

"I don't believe you, at all. If you were sorry you would have been here sooner." He looks down.

"No, I got busy, but never, never did I stop missing you, Dela, never." I sucked in a deep breath.

"I went four years without seeing you. I'm not going any longer." My anger take over me, and I punch him in the face. 

Then I hit him again and again. He blocks my punch, but I grab his wrist and flip him over.  I sit on his waist, and continue to punch him. I then start crying.

"I missed you so much." I whisper quietly.


Hey, guys! I know I've taken forever to update! I'm sorry, school and drama have taken up a lot of my time! Hope you enjoy! The video up top is a guy named Tanner Howe, he is an amazing singer! 





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