She awkwardly switched the shower on with her bound hands and I ran a bath. We had seen each other naked before so it wasn't really a problem.

"This is your fault. If you hadn't have just kept your mouth shut we wouldn't have been stuck like this." She grumbled.

My jaw dropped open.

"What? So you expect me to let them trample all over us?" 

"Ally! People have trampled over us our whole life, what makes now any different other than the fact our lives are in danger? Just learn to zip it for the time being and we'll find a way out."

I let out a scoff.

"From the way you're talking it's as if you're getting ready to stay here permanently."

"I'm just looking after my life, unlike you." She pointed out, not even turning to look at me.

I was silent after that. 

Maybe if I shut my mouth I could think properly. I came to the conclusion always talking only dug not only mine but Chelsea's grave deeper so I had to practise biting my tongue.

I stayed in the bath for less than five minuets before jumping out and wrapping the towel around myself.

Chelsea did the same a few seconds later and banged on the door.

We heard them shouting for a few seconds before two girls entered, dark frowns on their faces as they handed us a bag each.

"This is what you're wearing to the club tonight, your first mission." The girl smirked at us. "You excited?"

Club? Excited?

I wanted to question so badly and it took all my willpower not to. What did I expect, I mean we were part of a gang now. The word was bitter to my lips. Gang. This didn't seem like your average huddle in a dark corner of an alley kind of gang though, oh no. 

The girls stayed while we changed but looked the other way as they had a conversation of their own. 

I nearly groaned at the outfit choice.

Glittery blue long sleeved dresses with an extremely low cut in the front. The dress was up to my mid thigh and Chelsea's was the same but in a lime green that made my eyes hurt.

We both had a pair of blue stiletto heels that made me wince whilst looking at them. Even thinking about walking in them brought a rough pumping to the front of my head.

I looked inside the other bag to see make up. All different kinds. Chelsea picked up a piece and stared at it with squinted eyes.

"We put this on our face?" 

The girls laughed loudly at her, whispering insults in each others ears and I did my best to not let my anger show.

"I'll do your's after I've done mine." I told her.

I grabbed the bag and began to do my make up. 

I stared with concealer and moved onto foundation. I made my eyes smokey with eyeliner and eyeshadow. My messy brown hair was loose on my shoulders as I stared at myself in the mirror. If we were going, I might as well make myself look reasonably good.

I had never actually done this before other than a couple of times at my Aunt's party, but I looked surprisingly good.

I did the exact same look with Chelsea but gave her baby pink lips and turned around smugly to face the two girls.

"Impressive." The blonde one said with a smile.

The side of my mouth tilted upwards as we were suddenly handed trench coats. As in the coats that would quite obviously stand out in a crowd.

The Nerds And The Gang Leaders.Where stories live. Discover now