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I left the cockpit with remorse flooding through me, and went into the captains quarters. I looked around the room, which had a bunk built into the wall, and a note bed across the room on the other side, which was Anakin's. I could tell because his com lay on it, as well as his blaster.

I sit down on my bed, and pulled out the footlocker that was underneath it. Inside the large gray capsule, droid parts, a blaster, a medpac, an adrenal stem, spray paint, and armor. Why spray paint? Because the gang we were supposedly in had a heart for art- and vandalized everything they could with their symbol. Their cymbal was the outline of an octagon, and the republic symbol with 3 lines for it- each meaning something different. Specifically, one death to the senate, one death to the people, and one death to their protectors.

The senate and the people speak for themselves, but the protectors mean the Jedi and the clones. They have a special glow of hate for all 3, but their hate of the Jedi outdoes their hate of everything else.

The door opened sideways with a woosh and Anakin appeared. He casually walked and sat down on his bunk. Then he looked up at me.

"So, commander..." he said. "I'm sorry all this is so sudden."

I looked at him. "It isn't sudden."

Anakin smiled at the floor, but then he looked up. "But, it's going so fast I mean I kissed you I-"

"It's okay," I laughed. "Well... not exactly okay... the order and all... and..."

"I know..." Anakin stood and began pacing.

I awkwardly tried to change the subject. "So when will we reach Mytro?"

"30 minutes..." he said.

I snorted. "Quicker than I expected."

"Me too. Kind of a bummer. I wanted to talk to you." He laughed.

"Yeah, we should try and get to know each other even better since it's been so long. And I told you I'd tell you about the mission with the Senator." I smiled. "I had to rescue her."

"From who...?" He asked.

"General Greivous." I said bitterly. "She was barely conscious when I found her."

I engaged in telling the story. "It was an emergency mission. Grievous had already jumped to light speed. He had plans to get information out of Padmé- forcefully- and then kill her. I had to follow them through light speed, and when they got out I crashed my ship into their bridge. The blast doors opened up, and I had to take out a ton of droids and then crawl through the ventilation pipes undetected to find Padmé. Grievous had entire squads of up to 50 droids after me, and 6 magma guards guarding Padmes cell, and even more guards down the hallway. I knew if I showed myself they would call for help and I'd be outnumbered. The ship was all the way in the outer rim. I transmitted the coordinates to Master Windu, and then gave him a brief holomessage of the situation. I told him I'd do my best to protect the senator but I had no idea if I'd come back, but I'd get the senator out and tell her to transmit the coordinates or I would in my last few seconds. I had to wait. The ship was in lockdown. Finally I decided I had to make them think I left. I would need a disguise though, and the only people on the ship were prisoners and droids. I couldn't do that. I really needed to actually leave though. So I made my way to the hangar, made a big scene, jumped in a ship, and programmed the ship to leave just before I got out and hid. Grievous thought I had left, and he told the droids to get back to their normal jobs. I went through the ventilation shafts until I got back to Padme's cell. I freed her, and had to go extremely fast but I eventually, with a lot of sweat, running, and fighting, got on a ship and escaped- but not for long. I knew that the ship had a separatist tracker on it because it was their ship. So I went to Tatooine, and sold the ship and bought a makeshift new one. We left Tatooine before the separatist had even got there, but we saw their approach on the way out. We got back to Coruscant safely."

"Wow," Anakin breathed. "Y/N... That's so tactical... you're really wise, and witty. And not to mention what a great fighter and force user you are..."

"I'm not such a great pilot though, and especially not if I'm not used to the ship..." I said. "Well, to say the least, when our ship landed in Tatooine, it took a nose dive into the sand. I smacked the cockpit windows, and the senator ended up on the floor. But the guy, a repair owner, named Watto, he bought it for almost 12,000 credits! I already had 200, so it left me enough. I think he thought he'd find some information, but the systems had been wiped clean by the time I boarded it on the Star cruiser. The serpartists aren't one to give up information of any kind."

"Watto, you say?" Anakin asked wearily. I nodded. "He's a scum." Anakin said distastefully. "He... he..." Anakin looked down, and stomped his foot, before yelling, "He was my owner."

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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