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I looked desperately for Anakin. Why would he ever jump after me? My eyes searched and then I sensed his presence from... behind me? I swiveled around and ran to the side of the building to see him dangling from the side of the sidewalk with one arm. I began laughing heartily, but he wasn't very amused.

"Very, very funny..." he sighed as he rolled his eyes and smirked. I jumped off the top of the building and onto the sidewalk, and peered down at him. "You'd better pull me up if you want me to live..."

"I'm not sure if I want you to." I laughed. "Didn't make it to the top did you?"

"Force propel isn't exactly something I've tried before..." Anakin said. "I don't personally have a death wish."

"You did okay for your first time." I said, and then decided to offer him a hand. He pulled up, even though I doubt he seriously needed the help.

We began our walk back to the temple in silence.

The breeze of the Coruscant air blew back Anakin's hair, and he looked like a super model. Finally, not being able to bear not hearing his voice, I spoke.

"Why would you jump after me?"

He was slow with his reply, mustering up his courage. "You jump I jump."

I looked at him, appalled, but also comforted. He continued. "Look, I know we just confessed our feelings, but... you must've felt the same way I have all alone."

I breathed before quietly saying, "I have. I admit it. But we should be professional about our mission."

"I think it's even more professional that we have each other's trust." He said.

I smiled. You jump I jump. It repeated in my head like a dream.

I smiled to myself as we walked back to temple. When we got there, I realized our shuttle was there. I looked down, hating the uncomfortable clothes I'd have accompanying me through the entire journey for months.

"Hopefully this won't last as long as they think," I sighed.

"I hope it does..." Anakin said quietly. "So I can be with you without having to worry about the order."

I smiled to myself. My head repeated his words. You jump I jump. You jump I jump. You jump I jump.

I approached the ship warily. It was a disguised ship, and as I entered it I was greeted by spray painted walls with the gangs symbols spread across it. Inside the storage area were 3 crates, 1 full of credits, one full of guns-which I'm sure half of them were illegal- and the other filled with supplies. I took out my com link.

"Shaak Ti?" I asked into the com.

"Yes, Y/N?" She asked.

"What's our first order?" I asked.

"Dock. Then, proceed to explore. Try and find out as much information as possible. We've been notified through our Republic inside source that you're staying with has a secret underground room. There, you will contact us and transmit us information. But be careful to delete all the records and leave no evidence."

"I hope this underground room is high security," I said.

"It is." She said. I could sense the worry in her voice. It became apparent she was was trying more so to convince herself than me.

"What republic inside source?" I asked. How had I not head about any of this?

"We can't say much for your safety and his. He'll give you a sign." Shaak ti notified me. "It wasn't to be on record with the council."

"What type of sign?" I asked.

"A hand signal. Now I mustn't talk long or reveal much. It's nothing out of the ordinary." She said. "But it may be out of the ordinary for their planet. Just observe, and I'm sure you'll see. He'll greet you soon after your arrival. Now I must be going. Remember, the planet is full of brutes. If your operation is discovered, your loss will be guaranteed."

"Peachy..." I muttered. "Goodbye Master Ti."

"Goodbye, young Jedi knight." She said. With that, the comlink cut off with a beep. We entered light speed, and the colors of seconds of passing stars and systems whirled around the windows of the cockpit. In silence, I glanced at Anakin. He stared into the colors of space blankly.

You jump I jump.

"Anakin..." I finally spoke.

"Yes?" He replied almost immediately monotonously, still emotionlessly peering into the vastness of space.

"Did you mean it?" I asked slowly.

"Mean what?" He suddenly turned to me, confused, breaking his stare out of the cockpit.

"Did you mean it when you said you had feelings for me..." I said quietly, not knowing if I wanted the answer.

"Y/N why would you think that... I'm a Jedi, just as loyal to the Order as you. But I've been holding this at hay far too long. I just couldn't keep it concealed any longer..." he said, looking down at his control board.

My voice shaky, I said, "Anakin what if something happens to one of us...?"

"You're really scared of something happening?" He asked. "We're Jedi."

"You've seen just as many Jedi die as I have. And these aren't droids, Anakin. They're people." I said.

"They aren't people. They're killers. They're exiles. Somebody who kills somebody for a slimy few credits isn't a person. Therefore killing them is fine in my book." Anakin announced.

"Anakin, if you see no fault in killing-even a menace such as them- you're no better than them." I spat.

"What would you know?" He demanded, and then stopped himself.
I looked down. "I'm sorry I forgot."

"Don't be sorry Anakin. I understand." I said. I turned away, now with the fresh memories of my past in my eyes...

This book has been dragging on hasn't it. I'll get on to the mission next chapter! Thank you for sticking around this long <3<333

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