Chapter Fourteen

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Cassie's POV: "Hey guys, we're all very excited to preform the first show of our tour, yes we are very sad that it is all coming to an end but it's time we spend time to raise Tawshia" Dahvie said and she came on stage.

Her cheeks were stained with tears and she was still crying at the moment. Does she miss me?

"WHERE'S CASSIE" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"Well this was a very hard decision but we decided it is best if we take her back to the adoption center the day we get off tour. She is not aware of this yet so you all need to keep this to yourselves" Dad said and I started bawling my eyes out.

"Dad.." I said pulling my hood off and Landon pulled his off.

"I didn't want you to find out this way I'm sorry Cassie"

" can't" I said and him and Dahvie grabbed Tawshia.

"Security" Dad said and to guards came over and grabbed Landon and I on stage.

They started dragging us off and Tawshia was trying to get to me.


"Please escort them to their ride home"

They pulled us away and I heard them start to preform and I just stopped fighting.



"I'm not his daughter anymore.."

"Cassie I'm sure he didn't mean it"

"I wish we didn't come I would have been so much happier not knowing"

"We can walk the rest of the way thank you" Landon said and they let go of us.

His mom pulled up and we got in the back. I sat in the middle and Landon sat in the seat behind his mom and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Can you adopt me.." I asked her.

"What sweetie"

"My dad said he's putting me up for adoption after the tour.."

"I'll ask to have some papers sometime soon to sign over so I can have court approval to have you in my house"

"Thank you.." I replied and Landon kissed my forehead.

"Can we go to my house just one more time please..."

"Why don't we throw a party" He suggested.

"I didn't get permission"

"They'll never know"

"I will allow it, it's fine if you have no adult supervision I trust you kids"

"How are we going to get the news out?" I asked.

"There is this app called after school where we can post and everyone from our school will see"

"Can you post on it"

He pulled out his phone and typed in party tonight at eight at blahblah street everyone invited.

"There" He said smiling.

Once we got to the house it was already almost eight so I ran around the house putting important things away and tried finding snacks. The only thing really left out was family photos and I decided to just leave them there. People started arriving and looked surprised when I answered the door. I had already gotten my speakers out and had music blasting from them and people started dancing.

You're Our What?! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora