Chapter Seven

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I will try to get all the details right, it has been months since I updated so hopefully it's good

Cassie's POV: We went to the nurse and I acted like I was in a lot of pain.

"What's wrong" The nurse asked me.

"My stomach hurts extremely bad"

"Did you eat breakfast"


"Has any sicknesses been going around the family"


"Here why don't you try some tums and come back later if it doesn't help"

He gave me tums and us both passes and we walked back to gym.

"Well at least you tried to get us home"

"Maybe we can just leave"

"No we will get into too much trouble"

We walked back into the gymnasium and handed the teacher our passes and I sat down on the floor. She wasn't going to make me play due to my fake stomachache.

"She's just faking it, her parents are famous so she thinks she can get out of whatever she wants"

"Can we play scatterball instead, then I'll play" I asked smiling.

Scatter ball is a game at our school, it isn't dodgeball except everyone is on their own. There is no teams and it's amazing.

"That's a good idea, I'll get the dodge balls"

"You're going down" Tawshia said to the girl as she was handed a dodgeball"

The girl actually looked like she was terrified of Tawshia now. I was hoping this girl would at least get sent to the nurse by Tawshia from getting hit so hard.

"Aim for the face" I whispered to her.

"GO" The teacher yelled and Tawshia slammed the ball into her face.

"STOP" The teacher instantly yelled and ran over.

The girls nose had blood flooding out and we were both smiling.

"That's what you get" Tawshia said and the teacher helped her up.

"Tawshia you're suspended go to the office"

"WAIT" I yelled and then I punched the girl in the face.

"You're suspended too"

"Yay" We both said as we skipped down to the office.

They called Dahvie and Dad to come and get us but they didn't even sound upset. Once they got here we grabbed our bags and got into the car.

"Explain what happened and we will decide if you are grounded"

"This girl was talking crap about us nonstop and once I get the chance I took her down" Tawshia said.

"Sounds like a good explanation to me, let's go get some ice cream"

"Yay" We said at the same time.

We arrived at the ice cream place and we all ordered what we wanted and sat in the car while eating it.

"Look what's trending on twitter" Dahvie said and we all pulled our phones out.

"Monroe and Vanity girls not as nice as they seem, got suspended from school today for knocking a girl out"

"Oh well who cares"

"You guys should, your reputation is going to go down and you are going to get a lot of haters. If you don't clear this up soon then there is no telling what will happen"

"Haters make us famous" I said smiling.

"Quoting Ima Monster nice, but you still need to clear it up"

"What's the point nobody will believe us"

"They will if it's the truth"

"They didn't believe Dahvie when he tried to clear up the whole rape accusation" Tawshia pointed out.

"That's different" Dahvie said.

"I don't think it is" I replied.

Dahvie started driving is back and the car ride was silent. The radio wasn't on and everyone just ignored each other. Tawshia and I kept glancing at each other and we were both annoyed at them. We got back to the house and we took our bags inside and went up to our rooms. I laid on my bed and I just scrolled through my notifications. I decided why not just make a youtube video so Dad won't keep pestering me.

The video

"Hey guys it's Cassie and as you most know yes I got suspended from school today for a whole week. You don't all know the truth about this and I wasn't going to tell you but dad won't so annoying me to say it. Anyways, there was this girl at school and she kept saying how Tawshia and I are horrible people and famous people aren't nice that we think we're all that. We tried to get back together with the guys just so you all know but our dads wouldn't let us so just let that go. We realized we made a mistake so you guys should just forgive us like the guys did. Back to the suspension thing though. We went to our next period which was gym and was told we were playing kickball and the teacher said Tawshia and I were team captains because we were gone so long and a bunch of people rolled their eyes. So I was tired of it and decided to fake a stomachache to get out of it. Tawshia and I went to the nurse but we ended up coming back and then the girl decided to say that I was facing it because my parents are famous and I can get out of whatever I want. Ok yes I already admitted that I faked it but that has nothing to deal with the fact that I am famous. I did it because I just didn't feel like playing because I saw Landon move on to another girl. Anyways I suggested we play the amazing game scatter ball. The teacher said we could and gave Tawshia a dodgeball and the girl was right in front of her. I told Tawshia to aim for the face and she did that is when the teacher ran over and everything. Then the teacher said Tawshia was suspended because the girl had blood flowing out of her nose and everything so I decided to get myself suspended by punching the girl across the face. Was this the right thing to do? Probably not but we don't care. We weren't just protecting ourselves we were protecting every famous person. Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they can't be nice. Yes sometimes they have to put up an act but we're normal people we can't always please you. So go ahead and hate us, keep spreading this rumor but just remember that you aren't getting anything out of it. Haters make us famous. Peace out girl scouts"

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