Chapter Twelve

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Cassie's POV: I woke up to the alarm and I started getting ready. I put on my outfit and brushed my hair and then went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I put on my black converse and Landon walked in.

"You look nice"

"Thank you" I said smiling.

I grabbed my bag from beside my bed and then we walked to the front door. His parents weren't up and he told me they never wake up before he goes to school so we just decided to leave.

"I wonder what the principal wants to talk about" I said as we started walking on the road.

We got to the school and walked straight into the office.

"Hi I'm supposed to talk to the principal" I said to the secretary.

"Go ahead and go in"

"Hello Cassie Hello Landon"

"Hi" We replied in unison.

"Cassie I wanted to speak to you about your recent outbreaks. Yes I know some of them aren't at school but I feel as if it would be safer if he had our school police officer follow you and stick around in your classes. Just for awhile."

"But what if people start making fun of me for it"

"I was wondering if I could check in on her once every class period, just to check if she's ok" Landon said and it looked like the principal was considering it.

"Cassie can text you if she needs you, I will write to your teachers and let them know"

"When will Officer Mike meet me" I asked.

"He will come into the choir room, you may leave now"

We walked to our lockers and everyone was just starting to arrive. I felt like a bunch of people were staring at me and I hated it. Landon and I walked to the choir room together and sure enough there was officer Mike in the front corner of the room. We took our seats and pulled out our music and we waited for class to start.

"Class this is officer Mike he is going to be listening in with us for a couple of weeks"

"Why" Someone asked.

"Anyways let's start of with..." She said changing the subject.

We sang through all of our music twice before the bell rang and then it was time for gym.

I can't remember if Landon is in her gym class so we will say he isn't

Landon went his separate way to his class and I walked into the gymnasium. The officer followed me in and went up and started speaking with the teacher and he was obviously telling her something about me because she kept glancing towards me. The whole class was busy trying to eavesdrop so everyone was extremely quiet when Officer Mike came over to me.

"Cassie you will not have gym class for awhile instead they are having you go to the school therapist for this class period"

"But I'm having a therapist come to my house twice a week already"

"We just want what is best for you and your father requested it"

"My father left me here while they all went to have fun on their farewell tour"

"Trust me Cassie it is for the best, now I am going to escort you to her office ok?"

"No, I'm not going I have a therapist coming after school on Monday and Thursday. Any other day during gym I will go to therapy at school deal?" I said and I knew everyone heard what we were saying.

I could see him thinking about it and then he smiled and held out his hand.

"Deal" He said and I went ahead and shook it.

Everyone in the class immediately started whispering and I just started breathing in and out very slowly. The key thing right now is just to stay calm and then I whipped out my phone and texted Landon that he needed to come here. It took about five minutes until he got to the gymnasium. We sat against the wall as the rest of the class was playing kickball and kept looking at us.

"Look Cassie, I know this is hard extremely hard but we both know this is for the best. I know this is their last tour ever and you want to go with them and have all that fun but guess what. While they're all there getting germs and sicknesses from strangers you an I are here making you feel better and spending quality time. Cassie I believe that some day you are going to become as famous as they are now, maybe even more famous. You're an amazing singer and honestly I think you should give your singing a chance in your fame. Put some videos of you singing on YouTube one day you will definitely get signed by a record deal and I'll be here to back you up. I know you think your dad is angry with you right now but he still loves you no matyer what and he will support you all the way through this. That is why he made you stay back because he loves you so much" He said and I started to cry.

"Thank you, I really needed that" I said and he wiped away my tears and hugged me.

"I think you should do that singing thing" He replied.

"Will you do it too?"

"Maybe" He replied and I smiled.

"I'll try it when we get home after the therapy"

"Good, I better head back to class now ok?"

"Ok" I said and he kissed my cheek and walked away.

"Cassie you're on the kicking team!" The teacher yelled and I went over and stood in line.

When it came my turn to kick I kicked the ball as hard as I could into the corner of the wall and then ran to first base. The person on third base ended up getting out because they weren't paying attention while they took off running. After gym I hurried and I rushed to my next class.

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