Chapter Eight

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Cassie's POV: I watched as my video slowly got views because most people were in school.

"It is a good thing you did the video" Dad said walking in.

"Well it isn't going to change anything" I replied.

"You never know, and that part about Landon what happened"

"Well today in choir a girl asked him to the movies and he said yes and it just hurt really bad"

"I can mess him up for you"

"No, I don't want him in pain. I just wanted him to be mine but now he isn't"

"This is all my fault I'm sorry Cassie" He said as he hugged me.

I have completely turned off my emotions. I'm not going to cry over this, I'm not going to hurt over this. I'm just going to go with it and deal with it and forget it.

"Do you want some time alone" He asked.

"I don't really care anymore"

"Why don't we go for a swim or go shopping or something"

"Can we just go to the water park"

"Sure get your swimsuit" He said as he walked out.

I got out the swim suit he had gotten me and put it on. Then I put on a given up and took off my makeup so it wouldn't run into my eyes or anything. I grabbed my shoes and put them on and then I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Are you ready" He asked.


We got in the car and took a half hour to get there. We sang along to the BOTDF CDS on the way there which was fun. Once we got there I went ahead and took off the cover up and we went to pay. I ignored the fact that the butt of my swim suit said I was taken because it wasn't true but oh well. Dad paid and we walked in and it was very crowded because it was now after school.

"I wanna go down the slide first" I said and started walking over.

"Is that Jayy Von Monroe" Someone yelled.

"Ugh" We both said instantly.

Some people started walking over to us but we just kept walking up the steps to the top of the slide.


"Shut up" I said back to them as they followed us up.

We had finally gotten to the top and dad said that I could go first to get away from these people. I went down and as soon as I hit the water I looked up to see dad being crowded and then he was pushed down the slide. Once he hit the water we swim over to the ladder and got out of the pool.

"We can't stay here, one of us are going to end up getting hurt" He told me and he grabbed my wrist and started to pull me away.

"Which one pushed you" I asked.

"The one that is coming over here right now" He said and I got out of his grasp and started walking over to her.

"YOU COULD HAVE HURT HIM" I yelled and I punched her.


"I'll show you what's not nice" I said pushing her into the water and I went to jump in on top of her but dad caught me in mid air.

He dragged me out to the car and I could tell he was mad. He started the car up and started speeding off.

"Where are we going" I asked.

He wouldn't respond and I was starting to get scared. He has never taken me down here before. At least I don't remember going here before. He started going faster and faster and we were almost at eighty miles per hour.

"dad please stop we're going to get in an accident"

"DAD STOP SIGN" I yelled but he didn't slow down.

I saw an incoming car at the intersection and closed my eyes and waited to feel the collision but I didn't. I opened my eyes and the car was stopped and Dad wasn't in it.

"Dad where are you" I asked and got out of the car.

I looked around and we were in a woods. I looked over and saw a little cabin and walked in. Jayy was in there talking to someone and I hid behind the wall.

"I need her to stay here for awhile I will bring her clothes tomorrow"

"What if this doesn't work"

"It's going to have to"

"Dad..." I said walking in.

"You're going to be staying here for awhile"

"I don't want to"

"You need to stay out of the public eye, Jeffree will be watching you"

I looked over and saw it was Jeffree Star he was talking to.

"I have this cabin here to escape the public myself, you will be fine"

"What about Tawshia"

"She will be waiting for you when you get back"

"But you guys can't leave me..."

"You will only be here until this goes away, you'll be fine"

"But I'm going to miss you" I said and I started to cry.

"I love you Cassie but it is for the best, I will come back when it is better. I need your phone" I handed him my phone and he walked out and I dropped to the floor.

"You're going to be fine" Jeffree said hugging me.

"No I'm not, I haven't went a day without them for awhile"

"Any problems you have just tell me and I'm sure I can help"

"My dad just abandoned me here and I'll probably never get out"

"Cassie, it won't take anymore than a month" He said helping me up and taking me to a room.

"He's coming back tomorrow at least"

"Can I just go to bed please"

"It's only six"

"I don't care, I'm tired of being awake right now" I replied.

"Are you sure you will be ok "

"I'll be fine" I said and he walked out of the room.

Great, my new life now is going to be living here with no phone or anything with just Jeffree. Somebody just kill me now.

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