Chapter 17

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"Where do you think, you're going?" Leo asks in a rather annoyance tone, he closes off the exit of the lair as he taps his foot repeatedly. He shivers as the winter blew in the sewers -it was going to snow tonight per the news.

"I have to go to the junkyard, Leo." Donnie says hastily, setting his Bo staff in his sheathe. Leo had prohibited them after he had watched the news, but he needed to go to the junkyard, he had to get something.

"Whoa -what happened to that meeting we had this morning? The 'we can't go out since it's going to snow' speech? I didn't do it to bore you guys to death, Donnie." Leo now crosses his arms as he heaves a sigh. He acknowledges him and Don been on the sensitive side lately, one short word could make an entire argument. Leo was starting to doubt himself towards who has the anger problems, Don or Raph?

"You don't understand, Leo, I have to go. -Plus, in my estimates I have two hours before the storm hits!"

"Donatello, I said no! It's not safe!" Leo yells out, and his face is practically wrinkled in anger.

"Leo I promise I won't be there for more than two hours. We may be cold-blooded but we still have human DNA in our system... I still have a lot of time before it really does gets cold." Donnie pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing wistfully. "I know what I'm doing, Leo." He pronounces his brother's name slowly, but he's trying to keep his cool. "Please just listen to me…"

"You are not going because I'm the leader!" Leo brings out the precise, ignoring his brothers plead; "You can't go against my words, Donatello." His face wrinkles to a scowl, his shoulders squaring like it usually does when he gets in a fight.

The "I'm the leader" have melt Donnie's cool, and his brown eyes flickers in anger. It was the second time in their infamous arguments he has use that as a counterargument. He finds it ridiculous. Don steps close to Leo and all Leo knew was being hauled up by his younger brother by his belt. Both their faces were disdain, eyes narrowed and faces inches apart.

"I'm going." Donnie's voice lowers which was unusual in Leo's defense. He never lowers his voice until he was genuinely furious, but that didn't scare Leo. Instead of cowering like a child, Leo slaps Donnie's hands away from his belt, his feet brushing the pavement.

"I said no, Donatello." Leo lowers his tone as well, his caerulean eyes narrowing.

He wasn't prepared for that shove Donnie just did, fists clenching angrily together. "I'm leaving!" Donnie repeats one last time, his voice straining from yelling and then he turns to enter the sewers.

"Fine!" Leo yells out, remarking that Don doesn't turn around; "Go then, but if you come back all sick I'm not taking care of you!"

He is aware of a paw on his shoulder to discover his Sensei looking worriedly at Leo, soon after at the sewers. He doesn't communicate for a good few minutes until Leo tense under him; "Meditation." Splinter says softly and Leo nods in a solidified agreement.

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