Chapter 1

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It was a long day and Barry sigh in relief. He threw himself on his couch when he closed his door and held the pillow close.

"Thank god no bad guys are stealing or doing anything. " Barry said with a sigh while covering his face in the pillow.

Barry half open his eyes and look at the arm holder to see Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern/best friend's jacket on top of there. Barry blink and reach for the jacket and brought it closer to him.

"Hal's jacket..." Barry whisper while looking at it.

Barry brought the jacket closer to his face and buried his face in it. Barry sigh and didn't know that he was falling asleep but he was and he was sleeping close to Hal's jacket.

Iris came to Barry's house and knock on the door. She waited and sighed

"Ughhh Barry. I hate it when you leave me out here hanging. " Iris said while opening the door with the spear key she has.

When she open the door and went to the living room when she close the door she cood at the scene in front of her.

"Aw bear. " Iris smiled and took a picture to blackmail her friend. "Hal is so gonna love this. "

Iris smirk and texted Carol the picture after she edit it. She chuckle and look at Barry when he cuddle close to Hal's jacket. Iris smiled while putting her hand on her check.

"Oh Barry. Your so love sick. " Iris chuckle and went to Barry's kitchen to see what he has.

When she open the fridge she chuckle.

"Speedsters. " Iris smiled and look at the table to see the list for food. "You owe me Barry. "

Iris sigh and left the house to do her dear friend's grocery shopping. When Iris close the door Barry yawn and look around.

"I swear I heard Iris voice. Huh must been my imitation. " Barry said but gasp when he saw a paper flop in front of his face.

Barry took off the sticky note and look at it.

'Bear bear,  I went to do your grocery shopping cause I didn't have the strength to wake you up from cuddling with HAL'S jacket. Lol. I took a pic and I am so blackmailing you. Okay bye ;).

Iris your fabulous friend.'

Barry blush and look at Hal's jacket and sigh. Barry was confessed about his feelings for Hal because his heart would always flutter or feel warm when ever Hal notice him or spend his time with him the whole day. Carol was Iris crush and Barry supported her. He helped his closes friend out and it turn out that Carol was struggling to get Iris attention and thinking that Iris and Barry were going out. That made Iris laugh non-stop and Barry blush while looking away. Hal found out later about them and that kind shock him cause he thought Carol was straight but he was alright with it.

Iris then told Carol that Barry had a crush on Hal at Jitters making Barry spit his coffee. Carol was determined to help Barry out since he help her and Iris get together.

"Ughhh Iris. " Barry groan and threw the paper down.

He got up and went to his room to change out of his clothes. Barry look at his phone to see that it was vibrating so he answer it but in the end he regretted it.

Carol was calling him. He groan and answer the phone.

"Hello. " Barry said while looking at a picture of him, and Hal smiling while Batman was behind them drinking a soda.

"Hey bear bear. What you doing with Hal's jacket. " Carol said making Barry blush.

"She send it didn't she. " Barry said while sighing.

Carol chuckle while Barry grab his regular shoes.

"Anyways what are your plans about Hal, bear. " Carol said to Barry who sigh.

"I-I still don't know my feelings for him yet Carol...." Barry said while going down stairs to hear a car pull over.

"Oh come on. Barry. You have to make a move or so help me I will drag you to Hal and force you two to kiss. " Carol said making Barry glare at the phone.

"You wouldn't dare. " Barry said back.

"Wouldn't dare what? " Iris ask while looking at Barry.

"Carol. " Barry said but yelp when Iris push him making him fall but his phone flew to Iris's hand.

"BAE! Do it!! Barry badly needs help! " Iris said while holding the phone close.

"I know. Don't worry Iris I have Hal with me. He is right now testing a jet but once he's done I will drag him to you guys! We'll finish about 2:35p.m. " Carol said making Iris squeals.

"Ohh wait! Where!? "Iris said looking at Barry put the stuff away.

"Hmmm. Oh how about at Jitters. " Carol said making Iris smile.

"It's a date then! Meet you their at 3:30p.m. " Iris said look at the clock that said 2:00pm.

"Okay. Love you and make Barry sexy. Lol. " Carol laugh making Iris smirk.

"Darling don't I ever. " Iris smirk and hung up the phone and look at Barry who was putting the orange juice away.

"So your going on a date with Carol again. " Barry said while walking to grab Hal's jacket.

"Nope. We both going on a date. " Iris smirk while Barry stop and look at Iris.

"You didn't. " Barry said glaring at Iris who was smirking evilly.

"Ohhh I did. " Iris said back rubbing her hands together like a evil mastermind.

Barry back up and Iris was gettinging ready to pounce on Barry who was to scared to use his powers.

"Lets get you PRETTY!! " Iris cheered and ran to Barry who yelp and got tackle down by a powerful Iris West. The Flash was no match for her.

"Lets go Barry!! To the MALL!! " Iris cheered dragging Barry by the leg who was trying to grab anything but couldn't.

"Iris stop!! Please!! " Barry cried while watching as she drag him out the house and into her car.

"To late! I win!! You can't win this one. Not even the Flash could either. " Iris laugh and slam the door shut.

This was how the Flash died. By the hands of Iris West.

A/N: Hey guy! Today I am writing a Halbarry story. In this story I have Carol x Iris. Lol. I see Carol as a strong and dependent woman just like Iris. Anyways I hope you'll like this story!! 😊

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