10. The End.

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The day was hot and sunny, but no one who was gathered noticed, everyone was sitting or standing in a room listening to a young man in his thirties talk.

They met, they fell in love, they married in secret.

They finished college, they had a child, they made a ton of money.

They loved their family, they had the best group of friends, they had each other.

They were happy, they were together in life, they are together in death.

These short statements sum up the lives of my parents, but what they don't tell you is that they were crazy.

They jumped off scaffolding together, started a million different businesses together and apart.

They don't tell you that mom was a coffee addict and that dad taught me how to play poker and count cards.

They don't tell you about the time mom called grandpa a butt faced miscreant, or about how much they loved the important people in their lives.

By this point in his speech nearly everyone was in tears.

I struggled to write this, because honestlt what could I say that you guys don't already know, well here it is.

Logan and Rory, were born to be together, they met by chance, loved with passion, yelled in anger, hugged in happiness and cried in sadness.

They were the best parents ever, I mean come on my mom taught me to drink and dad bailed me out at any time of day.

They supported me and let me do anything I wanted with my life, they were second parents to almost all of my friends.

Lastly I remember being ten, and listening to them talk in the kitchen, I remember mom demanding to die first, and dad arguing about it, they being crazy agreed to go together, now any other people on the planet wouldn't think it would happen, but nope my parents knew.

So to finish up, my parents, the crazy, loving, future seeing, almighty duo, taken from us too soon, we love you, we miss you and boy were you guys freakishly linked.

As the man stepped down every eye in the place was set upon the two coffins sitting next to each other at the front of the room.

As the last hymn was sung all eyes turned to the small group of mourners when a strong voiced woman spoke up.

"Pay up boys, I told you they would go together."

"Damn it Steph, how do you always win?" Finn replied as he handed his money over.

The young man who spoke smiled and handed some money to Steph before leaving the funeral house with his wife and child.

The small group left behind him Finn and Colin on either side of Steph, all three of them stopped at the door and turned back to the coffins before bowing and together saying.

"In Omnia Paratis."

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