Chapter 1

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Logan POV
As I slid Transformers: Age of Extinction into the DVD player, I felt odd feeling. Almost like something really bad or really good was gonna happen.

I shrugged the feeling off and pressed play on the DVD player. Then I lept onto my bed. The opening scenes started. After about 15 minutes, I heard the kitchen door open. "HONEY WE'RE HOME!!" I heard my mom say. "IM IN MY ROOM!!!!" I yelled back.

I looked back at the TV and saw Ratchet running. "GO RATCHET GO!!!" I yelled. "YOU GOTTA RUN!!!" Ratchet sped up a little as if he heard me.

I heard scratching on my door. I tore my eyes from the screen and looked at my door. Then the wind picked up a lot and my eyes flew to my window. It stopped as soon as it started.

"Who's the girl?" I heard Lockdown snear. I whipped around to see Lockdown and Ratchet looking at me. "I'm not just any girl." I snapped. "I know your future, Lockdown. Your gonna be--" I stopped, not wanting to upset the cosmic balance or whatever.

Lockdowns eyes narrowed and he stepped closer to my screen. I gulped and almost screamed. I backed up but Lockdown went foreword until he was in front of the screen. "LOCKDOWN YOU'LL NEVER FIND OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!" I yelled at him.

"You know where Prime is?" Lockdown asked. "Maybe. Maybe not." I laughed. "I'll never tell you." Lockdowns face looked like he was gonna kill someone. "Never is here." Lockdown took a few steps back and his face turned into a gun. He prepared to shoot and I screamed and dived out of the way.

The laser or bullet or whatever it was hit right where I was sitting, blackening the bed sheets. I heard my parents coming down the hallway. I looked at the screen and screamed again.

Lockdown was reaching out of the TV and towards me. My parents burst into my room and I tried to lurch toward them but Lockdowns hand was around my ankle.

"MOM!!! DAD!!!" I yelled and tried to stop myself from going into the TV. My parents ran towards me but they were to late. I was in Transformers Age of Extinction.

Lockdown held me upside down by the ankle. "Can you please let me down?" I was green and feeling queezy. Lockdown loosed his grip slightly and I used this to wriggle out of his grip. I dropped down and ran over to Ratchet. "Ratchet!! Are you ok?!" I asked quickly.

But before I got a answer, Lockdown grabbed me again. So I was stuck in his hand. Lockdown put me down near Savoy and all of Cemetery Wind. Emetially guns were pointed at me. "Guys. Come on. We can talk this out." I said.

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