Interview of @faireetsetaire

Start from the beginning

2) What made you want to start writing?

Well, as I said before, I started writing about 5 months after I joined Wattpad. I think I started to write because I just…well, I just had nothing to do in life. There was nothing…just a hollow, empty space. Plus, I thought I had fulfilled my requirements as a reader and that it was now time to explore my writing potential.

3) What are you favorite genres to write? Why?

Hmmm…I’d love to write for the Humor genre, it’s actually quite fun because all I have to do is have a conversation with myself.

4) What is your main goal you want to achieve on Wattpad? How do you plan to accomplish it?

Finish a story, and I plan on doing that by persevering!!

5) Is writing a vital [important] part of your life? If so how?

Yes, very much indeed. If I didn’t write…let’s not go there.

6) How does writing influence your life? If it does, what role does it play in it?

It influences my views on life. For example, when I’m writing for ‘Three Little Words’, I realize what is wrong in my life and how I can go about changing it.

7) What is your guilty pleasure in writing?  {Optional}  [i.e. R-rated etc.]


8) Where do you write your stories? And when is your best time to do so?

I write on my computer, right after I’m done my homework (i.e. 4-5 p.m. EST)

Your reading rituals

1) What is your favorite type of stories to read? [Genres]

Romance, Humor, Teen Fiction…

2) When do you normally read? And also, where do you read? [i.e. mobile sites {iPod, Samsung etc.}, or internet sites]

I read on the computer, while I’m doing my homework.

3) Who are your top 5 favorite authors on Wattpad? [You can exceed 5 if needed]

1)    fallenbabybubu (I loved A and D!)

2)    Canse12 (‘Dinner with a Vampire…’ did I mention I love you?)

3)    DarknessAndLight (‘I Sold Myself to the Devil…’!!!)

4)    ToutesLesNuits (‘White is for Virgins’ for the win.)

4) Who’s writing inspires you? [Both professional and Wattpaders.]

Well, I think every writer inspires me. Especially if they’ve published something…I think that’s even more of an inspiration, because they’re saying to me, “You can do it! You can finish this!”

5) What are your 5 favorite books on Wattpad? [Only 5 this time ;D]

This is easy!

1)    White is for Virgins

2)    Dinner with a Vampire…did I mention I’m vegetarian?

3)    A and D

4)    I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls…Pitiful I Know

5)    Conduit

Bonus/Extra questions!

1) Who are your closest friends on Wattpad? [Optional]

sTAr_kAT and chiaralauren13. :D

2) What is your favorite catch phrase/ thing to say?

‘Hay’, ‘boop’, ‘ouf’, ‘poke’.

3) If you could wish for anything, what would it be?

More wishes!

4) What is your lucky number, animal, letter, or even day?

5, tiger, and any day except Friday.

5) What books would you recommend to others?

My favourites. :D Oh, and my book!!!

And chiaralauren13 is preparing to upload her first book on Wattpad, so go give her a hand when it’s uploaded!

6) Last question of the interview, What are all your stories on your profile? Give a brief description of each. [Optional] {5-10 sentences} [Give as many of your stories as you want]

Well, I [currently] only have one. Here goes.

Do you have a bucket list?


So does 22-year-old Daniella Carter. She's fresh out of university, with no job and no house. She's got no place to go, but then she finds her old bucket list. Keeping the words 'Live life to the fullest' in mind, she sets out to get away from her hectic life and accomplish the dreams she had as a kid.

But then, three little words are said to her, making her entire world come crashing down, and what started out as a simple getaway quickly transforms into the adventure of a lifetime.

Three. Little. Words. Enough to change a life forever.

To check out this author, click the external link.

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