Chapter 11

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            Ladybug ran alongside Chat Noir on the tops of buildings, letting wind whip through her hair. She felt so free, leaping from roof to roof.

"So here's what's up: the yoyo is your weapon. Use it. It seems weird, but it works. You can do just about anything with it. I think you'll get the hang of it in no time; you're a natural. Now, this villain seems to be able to control any metal and use it to make robots. You need to take the remote control from him. It's his weapon and source of power. Break it. The akuma's in there. We'll figure out what to do after that once we get to it, but basically you'll be purifying it and making sure it won't do any more evil. It'll become a harmless white butterfly. Next point: your one-use power. Just say 'Lucky Charm' and throw your yoyo into the air. Well- don't throw it, I mean, you still need to hold on to it, but I think you know what I mean. It gives you an object that you can use to help you out. I'll let you know when it's time to use it."

"Okay." Ladybug nodded, even though she was still completely lost.

"There he is! Stop here." Chat pointed to a person dressed in all metal.

Ladybug watched as a metal lamppost twisted and bent, merging with another lump of metal. The lump glowed red, then formed a moving robot. The man laughed.

"My robots aren't good enough?" He spat spitefully. "I'll show them!" He jumped on top of the new robot, cackling evilly as it carried him away.

"Where's he going?" Ladybug asked curiously.

"I don't know. But... there was a robotics competition today; maybe we should check back at the school.

"Okay." The duo ran back to the school and arrived just in time to see two more robots knock down the front wall of the building.

"Hello," the robot man said menacingly. "My name is Metal Man, and I'd like to enter the robotics competition."

A fearful, bespectacled professor in a sweater vest started backing up. "I-I'm sorry, the competition is c-closed."

"Hmmm...." Metal Man's face filled with evil. "Well, then." A large robotic eagle dived toward the professor with a click of Metal Man's remote. Chat leapt from the rooftop and Ladybug did the same. Chat shoved the professor out of the way of the angry metal bird.

"Ah, Ladybug and Chat Noir." Metal Man clicked his remote and two robots came from behind and grabbed them.

Ladybug struggled to break free from the robot's grasp. What was she going to do to escape? She shouldn't have agreed to do this. Now she was being held hostage by an evil robot and a supervillain was going to hurt people. She watched frightfully as Metal Man continued to form and direct robots.

Metal Man turned to the professor, and summoned another robot to capture him as well. "My robots are innovative creations that will change the world. Once I can prove it, I'll be the worldwide robotics champion." He laughed. "And as for Ladybug and Chat Noir..." Metal Man manipulated metal from all around the school: music stands and instruments, silverware from the lunchroom, pieces of chairs and desks, scissor blades, and more. He used his remote to effortlessly manipulate the metal until he had formed four people-sized robots. "Henchmen, take their Miraculouses and then finish them off." He ordered. "I'm going to go change the world." He laughed again and stalked off, an army of robots with him.

The four henchmen came toward Ladybug and Chat Noir, ready to retrieve the earrings and ring.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled. "Hang on for just a second! I'll free you! CATACLYSM!" Black magic emanated from Chat's hand as he placed it on the arm of his robot. The robot collapsed into a pile of rusty rubbish, and Chat landed on his feet. He smashed Ladybug's robot as well and she fell, shaking, to the ground.

"You okay, m'lady?" Chat Noir helped his partner up. "Looks like I made scrap metal out of those guys. Now come on, I only have five minutes before I detransform."

Metal Man hadn't gotten very far. It took less than a minute for the heroes to catch up to him.

Robots were forming everywhere, demolishing anything they could and terrorizing everyone.

"Ladybug, I'll be back as soon as possible. Keep watch here, keep people safe, do your best, but be careful. If you break the remote, don't forget to purify the akuma by capturing it with your yoyo."

"Okay," Ladybug nodded. "But hurry. I don't know how much I can do alone."

Chat smiled warmly. "M'Lady, you can do anything. I believe in you." He patted her shoulder and sprinted away.

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