Chapter 6

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            Marinette watched the trapdoor close behind Adrien. "He seemed mad. Did I do something wrong?"

"I don't know." Alya stared at the closed door thoughtfully. "What happened before I got here?"

"Nothing much." Marinette shrugged. "He did my hair, introduced himself, and... apparently I had a crush on him. He said he liked me back, too."

"He WHAT?" Alya screeched. Then she laughed. "Girl, if you remembered any of this, you'd be totally freaking out right now." She put an arm around her friend's shoulder. "If he really does like you, he probably left because he's a little bit jealous of Nath. Don't worry about it. Now, you've got 20 minutes until he gets here, so you'd better get dressed."

Marinette looked down at her outfit. Pink capris, pink flats, a white shirt with pink flowers, and a grey blazer with pink-spotted trim. She slung a round pink purse over her shoulder.

"That's a whole lot of pink." Mariette stated. "But I like it."

Alya smiled. "Yeah. You want me to do your makeup?"

Marinette shrugged. "Sure. I don't know where it is though."

Alya walked to the vanity and returned with a pink pouch. "That's okay; I do." While she carefully applied a small amount of makeup to her friend's face, she told her all about the day they'd met.

"First day of the new school year, and my first day at our school. Chloé was in the seat you usually sat in. I called her out, but it didn't work. We sat together up front and shared a cookie. That's the day Ladybug and Chat Noir first appeared. The next day at school, we reclaimed your seat and made a statement: Chloé's reign of terror was officially over." Alya closed the makeup bag. "There. All done."

"Yeah, but who's Chloé? Who are Ladybug and Chat Noir? I've heard a little bit about them, but not enough. I'm still a little bit lost."

Alya grinned. "You've come to the right person. I consider myself an expert on Ladybug and Chat Noir. I run the LadyBlog, a blog all about them! I'll teach you all there is to know about them."

A knock sounded on the trapdoor.

"Come in!" Marinette called.

Nathanäel's red-topped head popped up. "Hey, Marinette. Hey, Alya. Nice seeing you here. Ready to go, Mari?"

Marinette nodded, and the three walked down to the bakery, parting ways once they'd reached the sidewalk. "Lead the way." Marinette smiled.

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