They don't know (Brohm)

Start from the beginning

"The street does seem emptier since the last time I came and visited" Ryan said to Bryce who was surprisingly quiet the whole way to his house.

They been walking to places just to refresh Ryan's memories in Georgia, it was surely surprising to find Ryan at the airport one random day. It was a bit awkward at first but after Bryce figured out he had a brother leaving around Gorgea he decided to not annoy him with spam about him being a stalker.

Bryce smiles at the memories and Ryan catches the smile. "What are you smiling at? Is it because of me?~" Ryan teased and Bryce shakes his head, "for the first time in forever, your actually right" Bryce burned and Ryan gasped, "what? Excuse me? I'm always right" Ryan half teased but soon became quiet, "and uh...what were you thinking about? I know it's of me but what about me?"

"That's non of your business but, just to let you know, was of the time I spammed you with "pedo" and "stalker" memes" Bryce said while laughing and Ryan chuckles while rolling his eyes, "oh my God...don't even remind me"

"I mean you wanted to know"


"Ryan? What are you doing? It's 3 in the morning?"

"Sorry, did I startled you?"

"Yea, a bit, but no just made you look creepy~"

Ryan rolled his eyes and looked away from the sleepy Bryce, "go to bed Bryce"

A sudden flashback hits him and Bryce was unavailable to move. "Bryce I told you to go- BACK TO YOUR ROOM!" A voice screamed and Bryce jolts.

Ryan noticed the slightly freaked out face he had on and Ryan worried. "Bryce are you okay?"

"Yea i just...."

Ryan scanned bryce's face and Bryce shakes his head. His strawberry blond hair falls over and covers his view. "Do you want to stay here with me?" Ryan wondered and Bryce nods slowly.

Ryan didn't ask questions after that, even if he was worried he didn't want to push Bryce on telling him what's wrong if he wasn't okay at the moment to tell him. He drags Bryce to the couch and they sit there next to each other, "I've been thinking..." Bryce murmers to Ryan and Ryan hums for him to continue talking. "I was wondering....what would my parents think off me?"


"I know I'm a grown adult by know but...they expect lots of things from me..."

"So this is about us right?" Ryan said and Bryce stays silent. "If it bothers you so much we can find ways....we can even split if it makes you feel better..."

Bryce looks at Ryan and he softly puts his warm hand over Ryan's knee. ""


"I love you....and...and I wouldn't trade the happiness you gave me for anything in this world..."

Ryan's cheek turn a pink color and he laughs dryly, "Bryce-"

"I love you"

"I love you too...."

"Good, cause they don't know anything....they'll be jealous of us...."

Ryan leans over and presses his cheek against Bryce's shoulder. Bryce does the same thing only his head was laying on top of Ryan's in a gentle way. "Well, remember....we gotta take care of your nephew tomorrow so we gotta get some rest...." Ryan said and gets up at the same time. He pulls bryce's hand and drags him towards the bedroom. "It's gonna be a long day and I'm excited" Ryan confessed.  "Oh you'll love Matthew....his a delight"

"I can't tell if that's sarcastic or not"

"Haha, it's not"

Bryce lays down and Ryan follows Bryce, cuddling next to each other as they close there eyes. "Good morning" Bryce whispered and Ryan smiles. "Good morning"


A/n some fluff! Anyway for the thing that I was gonna say, I'm sorry but I'm NOT taking requests....I'm not committing to them because I feel like not only do I feel like it has to be to your expectations, it also has to be good quality and beside I don't have time, I know I'll forget to do them and people will get upset and all. So I'm just gonna avoid all of does things, I do give Huge props to does who take request because it takes a really long time to do so hand of applause to does. If I do take request I will let you know (maybe when my writing is a bit better and I know I will do all of the request). I'm very very sorry but I'm sure if you ask other people that are taking requests, they'll be more happy to do them anyways I hope you did enjoy and your having a fantastic day or night. Stay safe and I'll talk to you next time! Bye!

Ps. Don't be mad that I won't be taking the request....I just want you to understand and I'm trying to put it as nice as I could to not let you down...

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