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In the Car with the Girls

Tieana: So uh where yall want to eat at?

Tyra: How about Golden Coral?

Sasha: That's my jank right there!

She gives Tyra a high five.

Zaria: Aye aye aye

Tyra: What?

Zaria: Where my high five at, Golden Coral my JANK too!

Tyra, Sasha and Zaria high five.

Jasmine: I don't care where we eat at, I just want to EAT!

Shelby: Haha same here!

Jasmine tries to give Shelby a high five but she refuses.

Shelby: Uh Uh germs my sister.

Jasmine: Well excuse me then.

Shelby: You excused!

Jasmine: Alright now don't get slapped.

Shelby: I'm just playing girl.

Jasmine: I know that, I'm a genius you know.

Tieana: Child boo says who?

Jasmine: Your daddy.

Sasha: Alright now that's my daddy too.

Jasmine: Man yall know I'm just playing.

Zaria: Can yall turn on the music, I wanna dance!

Sasha turns on the radio and Round of Applause is playing.

Zaria and Shelby: This the JANK right here!

They start to dance. Tyra, Jasmine and Sasha look at them for a minute, then they start to dance too. Even Tieana was dancing behind the wheel.

Tyra: You better grab the wheel while you are sitting up here trying to dougie.

Sasha: I know that's right.

Tieana: Yall hush and besides we here anyway.

Tieana parks the car and Jasmine and Shelby were the first ones to hop out.

Sasha: I guess yall paying for everything since yall running up here like yall the big dogs or something.

Jasmine: Awww dang I can't find my wallet I guess I can't pay.

Shelby: I'm broke as a joke so if it was up to me we wouldn't be eating.

Tieana: Just move out the way and let me pay for it.

Sasha: You sure you wanna pay for all of this by yourself?

Tieana: Yeah it ain't no thang but a chicken wang.

She pulls out her visa card and gives it to the cashier.

Tieana: HOLY MOLY I'M RICH TAG TAG TAG I'M IT! oh my bad I got caught up in that song.

The cashier laughs and gives her back her card.

Cashier: You can go find a table anywhere a waiter shall be with you shortly.

Tieana: Thank you.

The girls go find a booth to sit in and after a few minutes of waiting, the waitress comes.

Waitress: Hello I'll be your waitress for this evening...What would you like to drink?

Tieana: Sweet Tea.

Jasmine: Make that two.

Tyra: I'll have a pepsi

Sasha: Make that two.

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