"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." I tried to apologize and I saw her glassy eyes, hurting me inside. She can be one of a kind, annoying and everything, but I'm not mean like this. And she still has a heart, after all. At least I think she does.

"It's fine. I'm going to my room. You can do whatever you want." She ran upstairs not giving me a chance to protest. God, I'm such an idiot.

Lauren's POV

I wake up by the sound of my phone going off. I grab it and see it's Dinah calling.

D – "Hi, Laur."

L – "Hi, Dinah."

D – "How are you? Did you meet your future wife? Is she hot?" I rolled my eyes at her comment. Well, that's my best friend.

L – "Well, yes, I'm fine, and, yes, I met her, and, yes, she is hot. But it's none of your business. Actually, how do you even know about that, anyway? I just found out this morning."

D – "Interesting. I know it because Ally is my gal pal and she told me, duh. I want to meet her, can I come over?" I rolled my eyes again.

L – "Dinah, no. Stop trying to get my wife. I even think I can hook up with her later..."

D – "Well, she's not your wife yet. This... What's her name again?" I sigh and roll my eyes again.

L – "It's Y/N. But she will be and it means having sex with a hot chick every night." I smirked at the thought of her naked in my bed.

D – "Ew, Lauren. I don't need to know about your sexual life. Anyway, where's this Y/N now? Wasn't she supposed to be with you?"

L – "She is supposed to be at the palace for a week. Doesn't mean she has to be with me. She must be somewhere else at the palace, I guess. I don't really care."   

D – "Well, if you say so. I have to go now, see you tomorrow?"

L – "Yeah, see you, Dinah"

D – "Bye, Laur."

I hang up the phone and saw it was already 4pm. My eyes widen and I go to the bathroom. I see my reflection at the mirror and I look horrible. Messy hair, puffy face and red eyes. When I came to my room, I remembered about my mom and that made me cry. She was killed 3 years ago when she was coming home from a party. I remember how great of a person she was. She would always put the other's welfare before hers, and she would take care of me. I loved her so much. I started drinking and partying nonstop after her death. I know she wouldn't be happy with me living the life the way I do. She would be disappointed. Nevertheless, she's not here anymore. I snap out of thought when I hear someone knock at my bedroom's door.

"Come in!" I shout coming out of the bathroom and making my way towards my bed. When the person didn't come and knocked again, I sigh and get up to open the door.

"What do you want?" I said when I saw who it was.

"Well, hello to you too. Geez, someone's in a mood..." Y/N said looking up at me, and her face immediately changed.

"What do you want?" I repeat, having no time for her complaining about me.

"Ok, but first, can I come in?"

"Yeah, whatever" She makes her way to my bed and sits on the edge. I close the door and cross my arms waiting for her to speak.

"I came to apologize." She looks at me and I just nod signaling for her to continue. She takes a breath and continues her speech while I take a seat in front of her. "I just... I'm sorry for coming up with your mom earlier. Moreover, for judging you without even knowing you. That was not my intention. I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just a little mad at this situation I have to deal with and... I'm sorry." She sighed and looked down at her lap when she finished.

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