Alone in the Save Screen

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Geno sat in the save screen, silently staring down at the red scarf around his neck as memories flooded his head. Awful, terrifying memories. Memories when Chara had possessed Frisk, when they'd murdered his brother. His eyesockets clouded as the scenes replayed in his head. They never fade away and they probably won't. Geno exhaled slowly. The excruciating pain in his chest was slowly coming back, slowly killing him. Oddly, when he'd thought the pain would make him die, it never did. Even dying...losing life...would never be as awful as this. Geno sighed and gritted his teeth, trying miserably to stand the pain as he tasted the bloody sense in his mouth.

"Oh, aren't you quite the unfortunate one."

Geno's eyes widened in alarm. Who was that? I...I'm sure there is no one but me in this hell of a place. Geno whipped around but he could see no living being. Which terrified him even more. It was not often that Geno was scared, apart from the idea of having his brother dead...

It's not the time to think about Papyrus! Geno thought furiously to himself. He summoned his courage and blurted, "Who's there?"

"Heh... I guess you really have no idea.  You could say...that I'm you." As if the stranger heard Geno, they responded, their voice dark and amused, perhaps mildly surprised. It also sounded cold and high, loaded with dignity. It made Geno instinctively tense up, expecting some kind of Gaster blaster to pop up in front of him next. As usual, his predictions were wrong. All he got were more words.

"Confused, I see. Let's just say - " The voice paused for a second, perhaps looking for something to say. " - that I'm... Sans." The voice chuckled as Geno gave a gasp as he understood.

"I... I see. You're from another AU. But who exactly are you? What do you want of me? 'cause I have literally nothing but blood right here, buddo." Geno's voice relaxed, but only slightly.
"Heh. If you're so curious... My name is Death."

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