~ Next Day ~

This morning was the brightest I have ever seen. The sun shined through the light blue currents with a dark blue lace at the bottom. Then the bed had a pink comforter with red pillows. The room looked like it belongs to a girl. 

I got up from the bed and walked over to the door and as soon as I opened the door I saw a girl about my age standing with her hand like she was about to knock. She looked up to see me standing in front of her. 

I said hi to her and she blushed then said "Follow me, breakfast is done" I walked with her to the stairs and as soon as I saw then it brought back some bad memories about yesterday. 

Like when Dad pushed me down the stairs.

I keep following her until we came to the kitchen and I saw Mr. Sock finishing up the eggs and putting them on the silver plate with some hash browns, toast, and bacon. He then set the plate down next to two small glass of milk then orange juice. 

There were four chairs placed throughout the table but there were only three plates. My thought was that this was normal I would have to make my own breakfast and most likely eat outside. "What would you like me to use to make my own breakfast or I could not eat also."

 Mr. Sock looks very confused with my statement them said "But I have already made breakfast for you why would you make your own," the little girl said nothing and sat down and started to eat.

 "I see," I said. I grabbed the plate then sat down on the floor. I was about to take a bite.

"Why are you on the ground," Mr.stock asked when he saw that I was on the ground.

"You wanted me to sit at the table?" I asked him he nodded his head. I thanked him before sitting down. I took a huge bit and I almost moaned to how good it tasted.  This is the first time I have had something somebody else has made. 

It was warm and the best thing I have ever tasted. I wanted to cry. I have never been showed this kind of kindness.

When I finished my plate I took it over to the sink and washed it then walked over to Mr. Sock and the girl and said "Are you done with your plates" they both nodded yes and I took both plates but my hand slipped and I dropped one of the plates. 

My eyes followed Mr. Sock and I couldn't move an inch, just thinking what my punishment would be sent shivers down my spine. "Don't move or you will cut your feet!" Mr. Sock said in a kind and soothing voice but also gave you a hint of sternness and wanting to follow. I stayed still as he picks up the shards of porcelain around my feet. 

I looked down at my feet and I felt embarrassed to have him pick up a mess I made and not to mention Mr. Sock is not a small man and it looked like he was about to fall out of his chair. Seeing him try so hard almost made me laugh and cry at the same time.

I couldn't take it and I turned around and tried to run but just as

Mr. Sock said before I stepped on it and it didn't just end there I fell and some of the porcelain went into my hand and I also hit my head on the step to go into the kitchen. 

I lost consciousness once again and didn't wake up until 3 days later but I did fall in and out of consciousness at the same time and I always saw the girl by my side. I always seemed to have some type of comfort by having her near me.

When I was finally starting to wake up I saw her there again. I think that she might go to my school because she seems very familiar. Either that or she just looks a lot like Mr. sock but thinner and smaller and not to mention a girl. 

She had long brown wavy hair she had she had three light freckles on each of her cheeks and she also had clover green eyes. Right, when I woke up I turned on my left side and saw her sitting by me holding a towel and about to put it on me. 

"What Is your name," I asked looking at her drowsy, "Lily" she answered in a quiet and soothing voice. Then I fell asleep until I woke back up tomorrow morning.

When I woke up I the girl named Lily was standing next to the mirror braiding her hair into two braids. I watched silently while she was trying her hardest but made the braids but they look all crooked and zigzagged. 

"Would you like me to do that for you," I said without thinking. She looked over at me, blushed and nodded her head at the same time. She slowly walked over to me while upbraiding her hair. Once she was done she sat at the side of the bed and handed me two little hair ties. I sat up slowly as to avoid hurting my hands and making them worse then moved out of the covers and sat behind her and started to braid her hair.

Her hair was soft to the touch and a little wet. "When did you learn to braid." She asked in almost a whisper as to not offend me. 

"From my grandma" She didn't say anything for a will then finally spoke. 

She took a deep breath then said: "Was everybody of your family abusive." It was my turn to take a deep breath "Only my grandma was not and I think if I met my grandpa he would also be nice. My grandma was not related to me but she was my neighbor when I was 4-6 and when she was there that was the only time in my life that I was happy." I got done right when I said this so I put the hair tie on her hair and got up and started to walk to the door. 

"When you were sleeping you keep on saying you were sorry but you know that there is no reason for you to be sorry" I turned around and just smiled at her then said "The reason I am sorry is that I never killed earlier in my life"

She looked at me and said nothing but she did get up from the bed and walked over to me lifted up her head and looked into my eyes. She then grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down tell my head was on her shoulder. 

She moved her hand from my collar then placed her left hand on the top of my head and her right hand on my shoulder and pulled me even closer to her then she whispered "I might not know what they did to you but I do know right and wrong. What they did to you was wrong and you killing them would make you worse than them and do you want to become like or even worse than them?" She said while her voice was cracking throughout her words.

 She set her head on my shoulders and I could feel it slowly start to get wet. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath then slowly extended out my arms to wrap them around her small frame. Once I had my arms around her I stayed like that to see if she would break away from me but she didn't.

Suddenly all the feelings that I have been trying to hide all came out like an explosion. My eyes became so blurry that I couldn't even see the window right. I brought her even closer to me and held her even tight. This is the first time in my life that I have cried this much. "I don't want to be like them but..." 

I got cut off by her saying "There is no BUT about it. As long as I am here don't kill them I don't want to have you taken away like my mom was." when she said that everything went out of my mind about killing them and went to thoughts about this girl who I only met a few days ago.

 I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast and I really wanted to answer her "okay" I said "only for you" she slowly started to pull away from me. She smiled with a heart-stopping smile. I smiled back at her and thought I would do anything for her, I don't know what I would do if I lost this girl whose name is Lily.

For some reason after what happened my eyes always follow her. The feelings that I have for her grew from being cautious to being safe and secure around her. I don't really know what changed but even when she is not around I think about her. 

She is the first person to make me feel this way. I think I fell in love with her.

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