Chapter 3

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I walked without anything on my mind, completely blank, almost like a piece of paper in the wind that just floats aimlessly through the air. 

Then all of a sudden this thought popped into my mind. "Before I let my body die I will kill every one of them that is related to my family by blood or not," I thought that this was the greatest thought that has ever crossed my mind. 

But now the only bad thing is that I am only 11 years old and I can't live by myself. I thought about many things then I saw a park and I have never seen the park be for even though it is only 2 blocks from my home.

I just got angry the word they always say flashed through my mind like a grenade just went off in my mind. "Always look down, never look up!!!" - "Don't talk to other people even if they start talking to you" I have alway lived by this never really experiencing things like a kid should and I will take it from then like they did with me. 

I will take the most important thing from them, there life.From the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Sock running as fast as he can which looks like a sloth trying to get down a tree. Time for my good acting skills that I learned from the family.

I let everything out everything that I have been bottling inside. From the day I was born into this world to what just happened recently. Crying my eyes out for the first time in my life. I slowly started to shuffle my way towards him. 

Keeping my eyes on the blurred man in front of me. I saw him stop at the four way in the street and he looked right then left and just keep looking left right at me. Then he started to walk his way towards me but I guess it would be more like speed walking then walking.

Then he stopped in front of me grabbed me by my shoulders and hugged me without asking me a question as to why I was crying. I cried even harder and told him to let me go everything I said was real I wasn't acting anymore I yelled even screamed for him to let me go. 

The fear of everything that happened to me came back and I couldn't take being touched at this point. I also didn't know what a hug was and tried to push him away in fear of being hurt again. So much fear that I even started to hit him until the point he started to rub my back and tell me everything is okay. As soon as he said that my body when limp and I felt so safe that I even went to sleep in his hug while hugging him back.

I have never had such good sleep before, my body felt like it was in the warm water. Like you are taking a warm bath and you feel like you want to fall into an even deeper sleep. When I finally woke up Mr. Sock was sitting beside me and stroking my hair. 

To be honest I almost fell back to sleep but as soon as he saw me awake he smiled and said "How was your sleep" I slowly crept my eyes up and saw a smiling face. I answer truthfully "It was the best sleep I have ever had." When he heard that his face lite up and he smiled even brighter but just as fast as he smiled it became into a frown. 

"Your family hasn't been found and we think that they can't be found" When he said this my heart almost stopped but at the same time I was happy because that meant that I could start my revenge by find and hunt. 

After he told me that I asked him just out of curiosity "Who am I going to live with now that everyone is gone" 

He thought about it for a minute then said "Well I'm going to ask the police if you can live with a family member who has a good past record but of that doesn't work out I want you to live with me if possible"

I was happy that he was thinking about me but if I said it was okay I knew that I couldn't take it and I would get us to someone being nice to me. If I got to us to it I wouldn't be able to have my revenge. "I don't think that would be good," I told him while I looking down on my hands. I was trying to get up from the bed. He looked at me with a look of why but even if he asked I wouldn't tell.

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