"Your father is waiting for you in the garden." She said reaching for the doorknob and apparently giving up on putting some sense into my mind. Not that I needed it, I knew what I was doing. "Be there in 10." She closed the door and left me thinking. Why the hell would my dad wanna talk to me? He is barely present in my life and never acknowledges me as he is the King and is too busy to be a father.

I didn't stress much about it, as I already had a headache, and just got dressed to go see him. Last night was not one of my bests. I wasn't in the mood to hooking up, I just wanted to block the memories of my mom. It would be her birthday tomorrow. Usually, we would go to the beach house and spend the day there. We would bake a cake and sing 'happy birthday'. We would also play at the beach with my cousins and at night, we would stargaze together. But that was when she was alive and I was considered what people call a "good girl."

I snap out of my thoughts when I see my dad sitting at the big table set in the garden. It's been 2 weeks since I last saw him. Not that I really care; I'm used to it. I make my way towards the table and take a seat. As soon as I get there, my father discharges all the guards. When it's just the both of us, he sighs and places the newspaper in front of me. At the front page there's a photo of me kissing a girl, and then a boy. The headline says 'Princess Lauren shows how to live life'. I roll my eyes at all the bullshit the media says about me. "So they can't even make these headlines better? It's all getting old already."

"Care to explain?" He looks up at me with a glare, but keeps a calm tone.

"What is there to explain?" I looked up at him and he sighed.

"Lauren, this is not right. This is not how your mom and I raised you." I look down at the mention of her and fiddle with my fingers.

"You know what I ask myself everyday Ally tells me you came home drunk or high?" He shook his head in disapproval. "I ask myself what I did wrong. What mistake did I make while raising you?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Oh, please, don't act like you give a shit about me." I stared at him and he looked up, surprised at my use of words. "You're always traveling since my mom died, and I barely even see you. The only people I see are the guards and Ally, who's probably the only one who cares."

"Don't you talk to me like that, Lauren." He was angry now. "I'm your father and you have to respect me, little girl, cut that attitude right now."

I just crossed my arms and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Little girl? How old do you even think I am?" He didn't respond and just shook his head seeming frustrated "Whatever, what did you want to see me for, anyway?"

"Due to your bad behavior, it's time for you to know what I planned for you years ago." He said with a demanding face that made me frown. What the fuck was he talking about? "I believe it will bring the true Lauren back." That got me triggered so I started paying attention.


"Y/N, wake up" I hear someone say, but I can't recognize the voice.

"You have to wake up. Now." Now I can tell that this is Emma, my older sister, calling me. I groan and relutanctly try to open my eyes. I can't see much, though, as there is too much light in the room.

When I get used to the clarity, I can makeout the silhouette of my sister staring at me with an annoyed expression. "Why? Isn't it too early to be up?" I groan, again, and reply in a raspy voice.

"Not when you have to get dressed to meet your future wife."

"Wait, is it today already?" I shift a little in bed and sit up abruptly.

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