Part 1 :J

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Nathalie Frost above^^


"Hey! Miss Peregrine said to go down for dinner." Enoch knocked at Nathalie's door. He heard a slight shuffle and noticed frost was slowly, but surely, covering the door's edges. He tries to open the door but the knob was frozen.

"Just a moment." Nathalie panicked as she tried to find her gloves that she removed the second she entered the room.

"Hurry up!" Enoch demanded. Nathalie paced through her room and tried to open the door with her hands but it ended up being frozen. She panicked once again and a snow storm started to appear inside her room.

Enoch managed to open the door with force and was shocked. The entire room was icy blue and was almost covered in pure white snow. In the middle stood Nathalie who looked as equally shocked as him.

Enoch didn't attention at her at their first meeting, but here they are now, alone. He noticed her long dark locks that cascaded to her hips. Her warm brown eyes and her pouty lips.

Enoch felt an unfamiliar little tug in his chest, he unconsciously rubbed his chest as if it was hurting.

Nathalie cleared her throat and took a deep breath. The snow slowly disappeared leaving no trace of it. She found her gloves and put them on.

She walked pass him quickly as if trying to avoid him and went out the door. Enoch followed her and noticed that she
was going to the wrong way.

"It's this way, you know." Enoch informed. Nathalie blushed and followed behind.

Enoch's POV

The silence wasn't awkward at all but it wasn't also comfortable. I sensed that she wanted to tell me something but scared to.

'Am I really that frightening?' I thought.. I turned to face her and sighed.

"Whatever you want to say, say it." I demanded. She flinched a little bit and the blush was back to her pale cheeks. I find this actually cute... -- what?

"You won't tell anyone.. right?" She asked. She bit her lips as she looked at me nervously.

"I won't." I simply said. Her eyes lighten in relief and a little plan came to my mind.

"Really?" She squealed in delight. I smirked at this. I found this slightly amusing.

"I won't.... In one condition." I continued. She titled her head a little in curiosity.

"What ...Condition?" She asked.

"Well you are to be at my side all the time and do everything as I say." I confidently demanded. I saw her went back to her nervous meek state and looked at me in the eye.

"Why?" She asked.

"Well... You wouldn't want Miss Peregrine to know that you entirely covered your room in frost and ice now do you? " I threatened. She shook her and sighed.



They arrived at the dinning hall and as per usual, Olive was waiting patiently at her seat, beside Enoch's.

"Olive." Enoch called.

Olive looked at him, eager to know what he wants. It wasn't a secret to the loop that Olive has a slight obsession at Enoch. She follows him everywhere like a lost puppy and is very eager to do anything just to please him.

Jar of Hearts (Enoch O'Conner)Where stories live. Discover now