Lets try this again

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"Fourth isn't good enough to win" i say to myself, repeating my mantra. Instead of flicking my eyes around the room like i used to, i tend to tilt my head slightly, relying more on my hearing. It's kind of shocking that my body is adjusting this quick when my heart isn't.

I walk out onto the ice, take a deep breath and begin my routine. Its a blur.

*le time skip brought to you by Yuuris glasses, which he can't use, but keeps in the hope of seeing one day :,(*

I wait until Victor meets me on the ice, my mind is a blur. Did i do well? How did it go? Am i even awake right now?
"Yuuri!!" Victor exclaims, grabbing my hand and leading me off the ice.
"Thanks" i say, gladly holding his hand as he takes me off the ice. His hand would feel nice with a ring.

We sit in what i assume is the booth. I wait to hear the score, Victors grip tightens on my arm. My shoulders slightly tremble, my hands are fidgeting, i keep licking my lips. I listen out, trying to ignore the constant black around me. The score is called. I freeze in shock. Victor jumps onto me hugging me "Yuuri! You came second!! Second Yuuri!" He says over and over.

I was shocked.
It finally sunk in. "Victor!" I cry, hugging him back, the crowd was roaring and tears stream down my cheeks, mine or Vic's i dont know and i dont care i was do happy and relieved. This is the second last competition before i retire, i ignore that thought and hug victor tighter.

"Yuuri" he breathes in my ear after we calmed down "we need to get up" he whispers, i'm stuck. He picks me up and walks me to the side, i can hear the clicking of cameras, journalists everywhere "Victor how do you feel about Yuuris performance?" One asks "do you plan on returning to skating?" They ask, completely ignoring me. I stand and want to leave but i currently have no clue where we are.

I reach for Victors hand, its not there. I stand there, where do i go? "Vic?" I ask, slightly worried, hearing the bustle around me of people but not Victor.
"Shithead, can't you live without Victor?" Yurio asks out of nowhere, grabbing my arm and leading me to quiet. We walk up stairs and sit down. We must be in the audience. I breath a sigh of relief "thanks Yurio" i say.
"Tsk" he grunts, ignoring the fact that he helped me.

"Congrats" he says after a long silence.
"Huh?" I ask, shocked.
"You heard me and i wont say it again!" He snarled back.
"Thanks again Yurio, i'm sure your performance was great to" i say, then visibly feel the awkward tension. Reminding people of my blindness always ends like this.
"Thanks" Yurio says "it was way better than yours i can't believe YOU won! I even have a fanbase!" He rambles, angry on his position in third.

I smirk and rest my head on my palm, enjoying the distraction.
"Yurio!" A man calls.
"What do you want Otabek?" Yurio says for my benefit.
"Weren't we going out?" He asks loudly. Yurios whole fanbase awws. I cringe and sink back in my seat as Yurio argues the intentions of his outing. Suddenly Otabek speaks up, settling the crowd with one sentence
"We're obviously going on a date" he says blankly.
"O-TA-BEK!" Yurio shouts, i hear him stomp down the stairs and yell at his boyfriend, poor guy.

Suddenly i realise that Yurio and Victor have left me all by myself, again, if i could see my reflection i would undoubtably be thinking "poor guy". I sigh and lean back in the chair, i might be here a while so i might as well get comfy. The sounds of people leaving has finally died down and it's silent now. Victor will remember me, he will, he always does. I try to comfort myself. I lean forward with my head in my hands "victor will find me, he will, he always does" i whisper to myself. I can feel the tears pricking down my cheeks, "h-he will find m-me, h-he always does." I say as my voice wavers. I put my head between my knees "i'm-"
"Yuuri! There you are! I've been looking everywhere!" Victor shouts, i can hear him stepping towards me. I quickly try to wipe me tears and move my face up at Victor. "Yuuri, what's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing" i say, trying to smile.
"What happened?" He asks.
"I- nothing" i sigh
"Yuuri~" Victor whines "you have to tell me!" He embraces me in a hug. I can feel it, i'm going to bawl my eyes out.

"I-i was s-so scared that n-no one would f-find me" i say between sobs. Victor holds me tighter "of course i'd find you Yuuri, never worry about that, i promise i will never let you go." He said.
"T-thank you Victor" i brave up "i love you" i whisper. He gasps, i stay still until i know his reaction. "I love you to Yuuri!" He says on the verge of crying. He hugs me close and kisses all over my face.

"V-Victor!" I say, laughing "s-stop it! Ahahahaha!" I giggle. He chuckles and kisses me on the lips. I immediately stop giggling. I touch all over his face, he's smiling. I smile too. Victor grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs. We walk home together, love in our eyes and hearts. Victor will always find me, he will never let me go. Not even if i lose. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. He loves me, he won't leave no matter what. I can't stop my grin as we enter the house "why are you two so happy?!" My Mum asks.
I groan "Uh"

A bit of soft love? Yes. I am sorry for slow updates!!!!! Thanks for voting and commenting and READING! MWAH! (^ν^)nice

Victuri! Blinded by love: COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon