He offered a smile, stepping back. "Are you alright? That was quite a fall."

I nodded, returning the smile. 'I'm sorry,' I mouthed back, and the moment would have turned very awkward, with us just both standing there silently, had Dante not exited the room after his father just then.

He was fixing the cuffs of his suit when he looked up, and he glanced between his father and me.

"Did I miss something?" He questioned, his green blue eyes locking with mine.

I stepped back, knowing being around both of them was very bad.

'I ran into him,' I mouthed, wanting to run away from this whole situation. If Batilda saw us, oh, I couldn't imagine. She was already livid.

"Yes, she ran full on like a quarterback. Almost tackled me." The King laughed.

I cringed, realizing I did ram into him pretty hard. Oh dear.

'I'm so sorry,' I mouthed again to the king. I had run into the king! I had literally ran into him!

He laughed some more. He thought this was funny, while I was over here dying!

"It's fine, really. Dante, let's go. You have cousins waiting." And the king, in his just-as-fancy-as-Dante suit, walked off down the hallway.

"I'll be down in a minute, Dad." He called after his father, and then he turned his spectacular green-blue eyes to me.

I gulped, and without thinking, walked fast down towards the library, away from Dante and his father.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." Dante called after me, walking quicker to catch up.

I shook my head, speeding up to get to the door quicker. Dante needed to stay away.

My hand was on the knob, and just as I turned and pushed it open, Dante jumped in my way.

He locked eyes, and I immediately cast mine away.

I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry, but I'm really trying to figure out why it is that you hate me. You love the little monsters, and you seemed to like Finn, but never me. I know, not everyone has to like me and everything, I know. But why don't you?"

I stared back up at him with wide eyes. He thought I hated him?

I didn't want him to think I hated him. That had never been my intention, and if I lived in a perfect world, he would know that we're mates and I would want to be around him. But my mind was moving a million miles a second, and I knew Batilda would want me to act like I hated him.

So I rolled my eyes at him and raised the book in my hand, tapping it to show him I was returning it.

"Is that what you've been doing this whole time? Reading?" He grabbed the book out of my hands, flipping it over. He stared down at it for a while, his eyes not revealing anything.

"Shakespeare, huh? That's some pretty high reading for someone who was supposed to be in an accident that left them–what was it? Ah, slow in the head–don't you think?" I gulped, taking a step away from him.

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