"It's strawberry and cream cheese, and sorry about hitting you."

"That's still gross," he said, sounding disgusted. "Here, you can have it back."

He placed it in your hands and you sighed in relief. He wasn't going to deprive you of your food after all. You were famished, and if he had, you would've done whatever it would've taken to get your food back- and punish him while you were at it.

"Your face is gross," you mumbled, walking away from him and unwrapping the cellophane that stood between you and your glorious sandwich.

"You know, you keep insulting my looks, but you've never even seen them," Vanitas pointed out. "Don't you think that's a bit of a low blow? And where are you going?"

"I really don't care whether my blows are low or not," you grumbled. "I don't even know where 'low' would be! You are the only thing standing between me and this strawberry and cream cheese-y goodness, so I am willing to do whatever it takes to get you to give my sandwich and I some privacy."

You shook your sandwich in the air like an angry old man would shake his cane as he muttered something along the lines of "damn hooligans frolicking over my front yard and being so noisy with their 'music' that sounds like robots making love", and Vanitas laughed.

Well, looks like butterflies decided to wreak havoc in your stomach again.

"You're crazy, you know that?" He took you by the arm and started to lead you somewhere. "Oh, and if you're looking for Kairi, she's a little busy at the moment."

"What do you me-"

Suddenly a loud scream rang through the air, followed by an even louder splash. Not even a second later, a second splash was heard, and so was obnoxious laughter that erupted from everyone in the group but you.

"Axel!" You heard Kairi shriek. "You fucking good for nothing, cock-sucking asshole with looks inferior to a gorgon!! I'm going to cut off your pen cap sized dick, roast it over a fire, then shove it down your throat!!"

"Stop fighting me!" Axel fussed. "I'm trying to help you! The reason why I shoved you in the pool in the first place was to extinguish your lit tampon, but it obviously didn't work.

"What just happened?" You asked, shocked.

"Axel pushed Kairi into the pool," you heard Sora explain in between laughs. "Oh man, her face was priceless!"

"And right now she's thrashing in his arms as he helps her get upright and to the shallower side," Ryann gushed. "Aw, how cute."

You heard Vanitas make a sound of disgust and you laughed. "What's so revolting that you had to make a noise like that?"

"The way that you girls react to everything," he said. "I mean, Axel just shoved Kairi into the seven foot end of the pool, and Granny here just disregarded that in favor of the fact that afterwards he jumped in to prevent her from drowning."

You just laughed. You did admit that girls could be suckers for romantic things.

"Don't call me Granny, Vanity!" Ryann fussed.

"Whatever, Avalanche," Vanitas sneered, pulling you along again.

After about ten steps he stopped abruptly and spun you around. "Sit."

You obeyed, stretching your legs out on the lounge chair and finally taking the first bite of your sandwich. Then you felt the plastic chair dip, meaning Vanitas was intruding your bubble and seating himself beside you.

"Uh, Van...?" You asked, swallowing your little piece of heaven.

"What is it?" He sounded mildly annoyed.

Blind (A Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy Fanfiction) ~Vanitas x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now