Epilogue-5 year later

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Jyn watched as her daughter ran through a field, her arms spread wide, mimicking a ship zooming through space.
They had named her Gala, for Jyn's father, Galen.

Jyn smiled as Cassian ran after her and scooped her up into his arms.

Gala giggled and screeched as Cassian lifted her high and let her soar through the air for a moment before brining her back down and hugging her close. He let her go and she ran toward Jyn.

"Mama, mama, watch me zoooom!" she cried as she ran into Jyn's arms.

Jyn laughed and embraced her daughter, but she soon squirmed and "zoomed" away.

Cassian walked over to Jyn's side and took her hand.

"I love you know" he said.

Jyn smiled and met his eyes.

"And I love you."

She leaned her head on his shoulder as they both watched their daughter run about.

Life wasn't perfect. They still had nightmares, and would wake up screaming or shaking, but they were there to hold each other when they did. They had each other, they had their daughter, and for them they needed nothing more. After all, they could have died long ago on that beach on Scarif, with their embrace spelling out the promise of a life that would never come, yet now had.

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