2 years later

567 13 4

"Really, Cassian, it'll be fine" Jyn said, as she put together a small bag of weapons.

"I just don't like the idea of you going alone. And now especially with it being so close..." Cassian said anxiously.

"The baby isn't coming for over a month and I'm not going to be a sitting duck until then" she cut in.

"Let me at least go with you" he proposed.

Jyn sighed, "Alright fine."

Jyn had been frightened of the thought of being pregnant at first. She hadn't even told Cassian for a while, as long as she could hide it. But Cassian had been overjoyed when he found out and he had helped her to accept it. He had so become increasingly (and annoyingly) protective of her as the months passed by.

Now they were going to a trading posts to receive information from a supposed rebel insider to the Empire.

They loaded up the ship, then got on themselves, along with a droid, B4-6. Cassian piloted ship, while Jyn sat in the back. She felt a little strange, a little sick, but she ignored it.

Then they landed on the trading list and got out into the crowded streets. Jyn was jostled about as they walked and the strange feeling came back. She ignored it again.

They located the rebel insider, and Jyn talked to him. His information was about at sketchy as the man himself. When she met back with Cassian he asked of it went. She laughed.

"He sounded like he knew about as much information as we do, or less. I hate to admit it, but that was a waste of time-"

Suddenly she was shoved aside by someone. Then she felt it. No...it couldn't be, not now. Not here.

"Jyn?" Cassian said. "Jyn? What's wrong?"

She looked at him, eyes wide.

"Cassian, its...it's the baby."

"What about the baby?" he asked slowly.

"It's coming. Now" she whispered.

Then she cried out as she felt a deep pain.

"Jyn!" cried Cassian.

She took a deep breath, "I'm okay, I'm okay. It's okay."

"We need to get out of here" said Cassian.

Jyn nodded. They once again made their way through the crowded streets and back to the ship, stopping several times for Jyn. When they reached the ship, she collapsed on the floor. Cassian kneeled down beside her.

"Jyn, I'm going to get us out of here, just hold on."

All she could do was choke "okay" as Cassian went up to the front. They flew out of the trading post, then jumped to hyperspace. Cassian went back to check Jyn, who was sitting on the floor, hands clenched.

"Jyn, we're going to be back on Yavin 4 soon, can you hold on until-" he began.


The sound was so small, so faint, that Cassian hardly caught it. And then it took a moment to register that it was Jyn, loud, obnoxious Jyn who was saying it.

She looked at him and she said,
"Cassian, the baby's coming. I'm not going to make it back before it does."

He nodded once, twice before comprehending what was happening.

"What-what do you need me do, Jyn, how can I help you?" he asked.

Jyn clenched her teeth and said, "I need to push."

"Okay, okay" said Cassian.

She cried out, as they sped through hyperspace.

Cassian held his daughter in his hands. She was so small, so beautiful. He could hardly believe she was real.

She cried out and Jyn cried, "Is she alright?!"

"Yes, yes, she's perfect" said Cassian, tears in his eyes.

Then he looked at Jyn, lying on the floor of the ship.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"I think so" she said shakily.

He knew she was just being strong by saying that, for her face was pale, she was shaking, and there was blood on the floor.

"You need to cover her up...she'll get cold" gasped Jyn.

Cassian took a small rag from a compartment and wrapped his daughter in it. Then he remembered Jyn shaking on the floor and he grabbed his coat from the corner and threw it over Jyn, all the while supporting the baby with one arm.

He realized they must be getting close.

"Jyn, I need to land the ship, can you take the baby?" he asked gently.

"Yes, yes, I haven't even gotten to hold her yet" said Jyn, her voice cracking with emotion.

He handed their daughter over to Jyn for the first time and her eyes lit up as she looked into the baby's face. She was all Cassian, dark hair, dark skin, except for the eyes and nose. There...it was Jyn. Cassian landed the ship on Yavin 4 and carried a shaking Jyn out while she held the baby. The looks from the crowd as they stared at the little newborn were priceless.

Jyn and the baby went to the medical unit and were both released after a day.

That night, Cassian and Jyn were sitting in bed, Jyn holding the baby. Cassian looked over at her and said,

"Jyn, how did you like farming?"

Jyn looked at him, surprised.

"I liked it I guess. It was the only time my life was really peaceful, the only time I really had a family...until now" she replied.

"I want to get away from all of this. I don't want our daughter to be raised in a world of war and pain and loss. I don't want her to have to be forced to make decisions that will haunt her forever. At least not while she's so young."

"You want to leave the rebellion?" asked Jyn.

"Is it too much?" Cassian asked.

Jyn shook her head, "Nothing is to much to protect my baby. Our baby."
The baby cooed and Cassian smiled.

 Hope Lives-A Rogue One FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now