Chapter five

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Cassian got up as the smoke cleared. His head pounded and for a moment he was disoriented. Then one name cleared his thoughts. Jyn. It had all happened so fast. One moment he was kissing Jyn behind the wreckage, the next he was blown away and she had disappeared into the explosion. He ran towards the direction of the clearing smoke. Setha was bent over a body. No. She couldn't be....

"Cassian!" shouted Setha as he saw him.

Setha's face was terrified and black with soot.

"Setha, please don't tell me she's..." began Cassian.

Setha shook his head but Cassian had no idea what it meant, dead or alive? He rushed as fast as he could to Jyn's side. She was lying motionless, her eyes closed and her leg bent at an odd angle.

"Jyn," he said, cupping his hands around her face. She opened her eyes for a moment and reached out to touch his face. Then her hand fell limp.

"Jyn!" he cried.

Setha grabbed her wrist to check her pulse.

"She's alive!" Setha said.

"We need to get her to the medical unit" said Cassian.

Setha nodded and said, "You go, I'll cover you"

Cassian picked Jyn up in his arms and she groaned softly.

"Just hold on, Jyn" he whispered.

Then he ran, Jyn in his arms, Setha behind him shooting at the storm troopers surrounding them. Cassian made it inside the base and ran through the halls to the medical unit. When he reached it, it was empty, except for a few droids.

"Please help" said Cassian breathlessly.

"Bring her here" said the droid.

The droid directed Cassian to a bed, and he set her down gently. The droid immediately went to work on her leg. He could hear the explosions outside and glanced out the window. Then he saw it on horizon. The Death Star.

"No..." he whispered.

Not this. Not now. He wanted to shield Jyn, protect her, but yet he knew nothing would save her. If this was coming he wanted his last moments to be with her. He turned back towards her, away from the explosions, away from the Death Star looming in the distance, away from it all.

The droid had corrected Jyn's leg and put a few bacta-paks on it.

"Jyn" Cassian whispered.

She stirred. When she opened her eyes, she immediately caught sight of the Death Star on the horizon outside the window. Then she looked back at him and simply said, "It's over, isn't it?"

Cassian nodded. "I love you, Jyn."

Jyn searched his face for a moment then said, "I love you, Cassian."

He put his head to her forehead and closed his eyes.

"I'll die a married woman," she whispered. "Guess that counts for something."

Cassian didn't laugh, but instead kissed her softly. Then they just held eachother and waited. Cassian reflected back on all his doubts, all his faults, all his mistakes. But then there was Jyn, the one right thing in all his life. And here he was, once again, about to die in her arms.
But the blast never came. In fact, they looked up for a different reason.

The noise of the shots, the explosions, the shouts, had died down. And Jyn and Cassian, along with the rest of the planet, looked up at the dying of a synthetic star, the death of a killer, the destruction of the Death Star. They had done it. Princess Leia and the rest of the alliance. It was over. No more. And the storm troopers were leaving, the destroyers taking off and back into space.

Jyn looked at Cassian, eyes wide.
"Did we just escape that again?"

Cassian didn't answer, but walked over to the large window.

"They're all leaving" he said to himself.

There was then noise coming from the hallway as the injured were brought in. Cassian went back to Jyn's side.

2 days, Jyn left the medical unit. The whole base was under a sort of tense state, still unsure of whether the threat was really gone.

Then there were the losses to deal with. Many rebels had been injured or killed in the battle, including Setha. He had been shot down just after allowing Jyn and Cassian to cross the threshold into the base.

When Mon Mothma was informed of Jyn and Cassian's marriage, she did not seem surprised at.

Later that night, Cassian led Jyn into his room. To his surprise, he saw tears in her eyes. She looked up at him.

"It just seems so unfair. That we've survived this thing twice. And everyone else on Rogue One...Setha...they're all gone."

Cassian took a breath in. "I know."

Jyn wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up straight.

"I'm okay" she said, her voice still shaking slightly.

"You don't have to be so strong all the time you know" he whispered.

She looked up at him and then kissed him, her lips crashing into his. He kissed her back and she slid her hands under his shirt and began to tug up at it. He helped her take it off, then slid his hands up her shirt, his hands trembling on her bare back. She met his eyes and nodded.

"It's okay" she breathed.

He nodded and slid her shirt off, then her undergarment. He stared in wonder for a moment, then they were kissing again and he scooped her up onto the small bed. Soon they were nothing but skin on skin. Cassian could not help but thinking of perfectly their bodies fit together. And the moment came and passed and he wished it could have lasted longer. Eventually, Jyn stilled in his arms and he lay there, awake, marveling at the fact that he had the opportunity to love her like this. Then he too drifted off to sleep.

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