Chapter three

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Right away, Jyn saw General Draven as they landed. She got out and the General started towards her.

"What were you doing Erso?! You could have compromised the whole mission!"

Jyn gave him a steely look then said, "We were all going to get blown out of the sky. I didn't what I had to do," said Jyn.

"Betray your squadron!" shouted General Draven.

Couldn't they all see it. They were all seconds from getting shot down an she created the diversion they needed. Heck, she almost died doing it! Who cares if it was against orders, it was what needed to be done.

Mon Mothma emerged from one of the bases then said, "Let her be, General Draven. She saved the whole squadron and maybe more."

General Draven looked as if he was about to say something more but then clenched his teeth and stormed away. Jyn turned away from Mon Mothma and looked towards Cassian, who was standing behind her, watching. When she turned he gestured for her to come with him he was silent all the while, while they walked. Then, when they reached an empty hallway, he exploded with anger.

"What were you thinking Jyn?! You think you can just disobey orders because you know me? Well you're wrong! You could have gotten us all killed or yourself killed! You're lucky to have survived that explosion! I thought you'd-" his voice cut off as it cracked.

He was practically in tears now. Jyn had never seen him like this.

"Cassian," she whispered, "I'm sorry. But I'm not going to tell you that I think I did the wrong thing."

Cassian sighed, "I know you won't. I just-for a moment there I thought you were gone. It scared me even more than I expected."

Jyn took a step towards him.
"Now you know how I felt after Scarif. But Cassian, we can't let this 'thing,' whatever it is, get in the way of what we're meant to do and who we're supposed to be."

Cassian closed his eyes, then said quietly, "I know."

Jyn took his and and as he opened his eyes, she watched his pupils blown wide as he looked at her. With his free hand, he stroked the hair out of Jyn's face.

"Cassian..." Jyn began, but he shook his head.

"Just a moment, Jyn. Please."

He traced her face with his fingers, wonderingly, then kissed her softly. Their kisses soon grew deeper as they explored more of each other, more than they ever had before. Jyn didn't want to pull away, but she heard someone coming down the hall and they both broke apart. It turned out only to be a small droid zooming by and Cassian laughed.

Jyn just stared at him laughing and it was in that moment that she realized the one thing that saved her the most. She didn't want to-couldn't-live without him. And then she did the thing she most hated doing in front of him. She cried. Silent tears rolled down her face and as Cassian saw them, his laugh turned into a look of concern.

"Jyn? What's wrong?" He stepped close to her once more and she swallowed.

"It's just...everyone in my life who I've ever loved has left me. My mother, my father, Bodhi, Blaze, Chirrut, K2. And I'm so afraid I'll lose you too. More than afraid."

Cassian took her face in his hands and looked at her intently.

"My parents died. My friends. And I almost just lost you too. I'm terrified, Jyn. But I'm not going to let that keep me from loving you."

He held her close and they just stood there for a moment, until Cassian said, "Jyn, will you marry me?"

Jyn pulled away taken aback. But then she just smiled.

"Not now. Maybe someday."

Cassian just smiled back. "Somehow I knew you'd say that."

A few weeks passed. Nothing much happened at the rebel base aside from a few small raids. But everyone was holding their breath. The Death Star had struck another planet, this time obliterating the whole thing. Princess Leia and the plans were nowhere to be found and everyone was just hoping against hope that the Death Star would not appear on Yavin 4's horizon.

 Hope Lives-A Rogue One FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin