Chapter one

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It was over. The end. The blast was coming towards them. But then something else. The sound of an engine. Cassian saw it first.

"Jyn!" he yelled.

She moved her head slightly, still holding tight to him. It couldn't be...she thought. But there it was-a rebel ship.
From inside the ship a man yelled, "Come on!!!"

Jyn struggled up to her feet, supporting Cassian as best as she could. They made it onto the ship and the door closed behind them. Jyn watched out the window as the lady was catching up to them. 

"Prepare for the jump to hyper space!" yelled the pilot.

And then they were out. Out of the blast. Jyn looked over at Cassian. His eyes met hers for a moment, then he went limp.

"Cassian!" she cried.

No, he could not die now. Not after they had just escaped death so narrowly. Not after...she thought back to the moment in the in the elevator. Their eyes searching in eachother, the knowledge of an imminent death. Then they had kissed. Jyn was not sure who has leaned in first, but all she knew was that his lips were on hers and he tasted of smoke and dust and despair and she knew she did too. And then the elevator door had opened.
Now Cassian was lying motionless on the floor of the rebel ship.

"Hey!" she shouted up to the pilot, "do you have any bacta-paks onboard?"

Th pilot looked back at her, "I think we might have one left. Is he okay?" he said, gesturing to Cassian.

Jyn swallowed and shook her head.
"Where is it?" she asked.

"Uhh in the back in that little compartment," answered the pilot.

Jyn rushed to the back of the shop as fast as she could on her injured leg and grabbed the bacta-pak. The pilot was right. There was only one small one left. Better than nothing. Jyn limped back over to Cassian and lifted up his tattered shirt. She gasped. His chest was an array of gashes and bruises. The worst spot was where the blaster had hit him, so she put the bacta-pak there. Then she waited. Soon they approached Yavin 4.

"We're almost there!" called back the pilot.

Jyn nodded. Within minutes they landed. 

"Help me him off the ship," said Jyn.

"Here just let me do it, your legs not going to hold you both up," replied the pilot. Then he paused and said, "by the way, I'm Setha.l

"Jyn." she said.

Although Setha was short, he was muscular, and picked up Cassian on one swift movement. When they got off, they were surrounded by the chaos of people everywhere.

Mon Mothma approached them and said, "Jyn, you're alive, we were sure you were..."

"Dead." finished Jyn.
"And Cassian-" began Mon Mothma.

"Needs to go to the medical unit immediately," interrupted Jyn.

"Of course, of course, and you look like you do too. I'll speak with you later."

And with that she hurried off. As quickly as they could, Jyn and Setha, with Cassian in his arms, went to the medical unit. The medical droids immediately took Cassian away.

"Wait!" shouted Jyn, "where are you taking him?!"

She struggled to go after them, but Setha held her back.

"No!" She screamed, "Cassian!"

Then all went dark. When Jyn awoke, she was lying in a bed? Her leg healed and a bandage on her head. For a moment she just lay there. Then she realized he was not there. Cassian. She shot up out of the bed.

 Hope Lives-A Rogue One FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora