Chapter four

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The whole base awoke to sirens.

Jyn's room was not far from
Cassian's and as she raced out of it, she ran straight into him.

"Jyn!" he exclaimed.

"What's going on?" she shouted over the commotion.

"Empire ships have been spotted in our orbit and there's rumors they're going to-" he lowered his voice, "there's rumors they're going to use the Death Star on Yavin 4."

Jyn's eyes widened. "Today?"

Cassian shrugged and said, "we have no idea. I've been up on the control room a night. I just came to get you."

"Why didn't you come earlier?" she demanded.

"They told all the squadron leaders to let their squads sleep. It's going to be a long day." replied Cassian.

"If we even make it through the day," said Jyn.

Cassian's brown eyes met Jyn's green ones and they shared a moment of fear. Fear for eachother.

The moment was broken by an announcement over the intercom.

"All squadrons please report to the loading docks and prepare for takeoff. Repeat, all squadrons report to the landing docks. May the force be with you."

"Come on," said Cassian to Jyn.

They hurried to the loading docks and suited up. Before they got into their ships, Cassian grasped Jyn's hand.

"I'm with you, Jyn."

Jyn looked at him with a mix of fear and longing and said, "until the end."

Cassian gave a slight smile and let go of her hand, although both wanted to hold on longer. They climbed into their shops and Jyn flicked on the radio.
A slew of voices ensued.

"This is red squadron leader, all red squadron please radio in."

"This is gold squadron leader, please radio in gold squad."

"This is blue squadron leader, all blue squadron please radio in."  There was Cassian.

All the squadrons quickly radioed in. Then they were off, through the atmosphere and into space.

There were multiple enemy ships, including 3 destroyers. Jyn and the rest of the blue squadron got into formations. Then it began. Enemy fire everywhere, rebel ships down, and then one of the destroyers headed towards Yavin 4.

Over the radio, General Draven's voice came on. "Blue squadron, we need reinforcements on the ground, please report to the base."

Jyn swerved to avoid enemy fire, then Cassian's voice came on again.

"This is blue squadron leader, blue squadron, get into formation we're heading down to the base."

Jyn followed the rest of the squadron  into the atmosphere then down to the base. It was chaos. Enemy fire everywhere and storm troopers and death troopers on the ground. Jyn, once again, swerved to avoid shots from the ground but it was too late. One of her wings was hit.

She radioed in, "This is blue squad 5, I'm going down but I think I can manage a crash landing, can someone cover me?"

"Blue squad 5, this is your squadron leader, I'll cover you," said Cassian.

But as Jyn was going down and Cassian was covering her, his left engine got hit."

"Watch out, Jyn, I'm coming down!" shouted Cassian over the radio.

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