The Wrong Potter

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The Wrong Potter

"The Marauders! Finally, I found you!"

Sirius snorted so hard that he choked and Remus turned to give him The Look.

Jasper Odair was running toward them up the stairs, looking quite thrilled to see them. James scowled. Jasper wasn't the last person he wanted to see, but he was certainly in the bottom five or so - nested somewhere just above Severus Snape and Moldy Voldy himself.

"Be nice," Remus hissed at Sirius.

"But he found us," Sirius said, stifling his laughter as Jasper jogged up, "That... that deserves celebration, that does."

James smirked at Sirius, his eyes glowing with amusement. Honestly, was there anyone on the planet that was a better mate than Sirius Black? James doubted it.

"I've been looking everywhere for you lot," Jasper said, coming to a stop before them.

Sirius looked behind him - they were coming down the first flight of steps from Gryffindor common room, finally heading down to catch up with Peter in the Great Hall after James had returned from his quest to Evans's room. He'd refused to talk about what had happened - Sirius assumed because of Remus being a prefect and all and figured he'd hear the whole sordid story of what the girls dorms were like later, when he and James were on their own... So, to change the subject, Sirius had suggested they wake Rey up and go for breakfast because, as Remus always reminded them, they would feel better if they ate.

"Didn't think to look in Gryffindor tower before?" Sirius asked, his lips quivering.

Remus elbowed him.

"Well the first place I looked was the Gryffindor house table, but only Pete was there and honestly I think you three will be better able to answer my question -- Especially you, Potter."

James looked up, "Especially me?"


"Why... especially me?"

Jasper ran a hand through his thick black hair and, instinctively, so did James. Sirius blinked, his eyes darting between the two of them as they both did their signature moves. "See, it's Valentine's Day --" Jasper started, but Sirius interrupted.

"Did you just find that out?" he asked.

Remus stepped on his toe.

"Ow, blast you," muttered Sirius.

But Jasper continued as though Sirius had never spoke, talking directly to James, "-- and I haven't got Lily Evans a gift yet... I didn't know if I should, because, y'know, only been a little bit since we started seeing each other. Didn't want to spook her, moving too quickly, you know..."

"Yes she might find that alarming," Sirius nodded solemnly.

"But I was talking to Harry Warbeck and he's gone and got his girl a present and they've only just started seeing each other this week and I felt like a duffer not bringing Lily Evans a gift..."

Sirius feigned horror, "But Jasper! It's Valentine's Day, wherever will you find her something now?"

Jasper either wasn't picking up on Sirius's horrid sense of humor or else he didn't care about it. Either way, he decided to simply answer Sirius... well, seriously. "I don't know!" he lamented. "Look, honestly, all I have to give are a box of Bertie Botts Beans or else Sugar Mice. I feel like a heel, but I was curious if there was anything else Evans might like, anything I could make? I'm rather good at cooking. What do you think?" he looked at James.

The Marauders Year Five Part 2 #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now