"You --!" Max' voice was trembling, "You wouldn't-- No! You can't! Please, I'll give you the money, just--"

Louis shook his head, a sweet and innocent smile on his lips, "You should've taken that offer while you still could, babe. Everyone knows I don't like to be told 'no', so now the price has gone up. What do y' think about being my slave until I'm in a generous mood and decide to delete those awful pics? Think you can do that or is that too much to handle for someone as disgusting as you?"

The blue-eyed boy smiled even wider when he saw that Max bowed his head and muttered a 'Yes, of course, just don't use those pictures' and when he skipped back to his friends, Nick and Aiden gave him a high five while the others just praised him with words. It was how school worked, if you didn't roll with the popular crowd, you'd have to be happy with whatever roll they decided for you and Louis was happy that Nick had invited Zayn and him on the first day and that the boy had explained the many advantages of being in the popular crowd.

[End Flashback]

It was almost as if all the time that Louis had spent with Harry, Liam and Niall didn't happen. No one even looked at him anymore, but when they did it was with disgust or annoyance. Louis went from being a wallflower to being a bit popular to being truly hated by most of the school. The weird thing was, that none of the students even had a reason to act like Louis was some kind of vermin unless... unless Nick did something of course. It wouldn't be the first time that Nick Grimshaw manipulated a whole school.

At first Louis thought that only Zayn and maybe Niall would come over to talk to him, but a smile creeped up on his lips when he saw Ben running towards him.

"Lou, are you okay, babe?" The dark-haired boy asked, hugging his friend while he was at it.

"Why wouldn't I?" Louis huffed, "Have you seen Harry? I walked out on them during lunch, but I wasn't expecting getting ignored."

Ben bit his lip and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Boo, haven't seen them at all. Nick and those cheer-twats are going around telling everyone what kind of monster you are and I can't believe that some students actually fall for their bullshit. You had a rough time, but that doesn't mean that you kick ill puppies!"

A loud laugh escaped Louis' lips and he covered his mouth with his hands, "Kicking puppies? Yeah, such a horrendous act." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Nick has too much power over me now anyway, so it's better if he embarrasses me instead of ordering me to do some crazy sexy-grandma dance in my underwear or somethin'."

"Damn, can you still do that? I could get millions of views if I uploaded that on YouTube."

Louis slapped the back of Ben's head and they both started laughing. It was nice to have someone who could take your mind of things like Ben could do with Louis.

"Ben, do you think I should call Niall? The bread got sick, probably ate something healthy for once, and he still doesn't know that Grimshit is ruining everything. I'd feel guilty if he came back tomorrow without knowing why his group of friends suddenly ignore each other... They're being dramatic though. I mean, I know that I shouldn't have exploded on them, but they could at least text me to ask if I'm alright and not being murdered by one of that fake-blond bitch's minions."

"Sure, call Niall when you get home." Ben shrugged, "Liam and Harry might just come and ask you in person tomorrow or they could show up at your house? I mean, Harry is your boyfriend, right? I can't imagine that this little incident means that his feelings for you vanished in thin air. Communication is the key, Lou, no one can read your thoughts, so you gotta tell them what's going on in that pretty little head too."

Louis gaped at his childhood friend, "Why do you always appear when I need advice? It looks like you disappear right after all my drama is solved and you pop up again when you smell something is wrong."

"I have a life too y' know?" Ben laughed, "I can't always follow you around like all times. I actually need to study and earn money to help my parents pay for my flat and my motorcycle."

"I still liked it better when you followed me around though, you're way too good at grounding me and your advice is gold. Why don't you become a councillor or a psychologist? That way you could earn money while listening to my rants!"

The two boys kept going like that until they were at the road and had to go separated ways and while Louis sat in his car he thought about how weird his day started off and what a coincidence it was that something always happened when Zayn was late and Louis waited for him before school would start. A loud noise interrupted him and Louis took out his phone to see that he had three messages. (A/N: Louis still got Harry as Edward in his phone. Let's pretend H has two phones because I don't know how to solve this plot hole yet.)

Zayn: R u ok? Sorry about lunch. Don't worry, I'll talk to H and Li.

Edward: Everything alright? I believe you, Lou. I'm sure you have an explanation for this all. x

Niall: Being sick is boring! Can't you come over? BRING NANDOS!!

Louis laughed at Niall's text and he quickly typed a respond to the two previous ones before driving to the nearest Nando's and going to Niall with the blond's favourite meal.

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