Chapter 12

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Later that night we went to bed. *BRRRRRRRRRT* *BRRRRRRRRRT* our alarm sounded I got up and had a shower to wake myself up I then changed into some dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt, I toped it of with a black beanie and some dirty white vans. Jc wore grey sweats and white shirt with his signature beanie and some baby blue toms. I pulled my sky blue bag with pink ribbon down the stairs and sat my handbag on top. Jc came down with his navy blue suitcase that had “LIFE W/ JC” all over it. It was just like the first time we met. We loaded our bags into the back and got in. Connor drove with Kian in the passenger seat. Jc and I in the middle next to Sam and in the very back were Ricky and Trevor.

It was 6:30am when we arrived so it was perfect. We got out of the car and all walked inside. Jc and I checked in our suitcases and then we all went to have some breakfast. When it was time to leave we said goodbye to the boys and got on the plane. We could see them waving from the little plane window. As we took of Jc held my hand. I slept for the whole plane ride and woke up just as we landed.

Tori was waiting to greet us at the airport. She ran up and hugged me and then Jc the whole car trip was just talking about everything. She stopped the car outside Jc’s house and told us she would come back later. We wheeled our bags to the front door. I was so scared to meet his family. Jc wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we knocked on the door.

“JUSTIN wow you came to visit us and you brought a friend?” his mum said as she opened the door she was so happy she couldn’t stop hugging us.

“Mum this is Ally my girlfriend” Jc said proudly

“Hello Ally you are very welcome to stay here” she told me

“Hi it’s very nice to finally meet you, thank you” I replied

“Come in, come in make your self at home. Jaylyn and Jo Felix are at school. Go show Ally your room Justin.” His mum said. Jc guided me up to his room and showed me around the house.

“Do you want to make a video together?” Jc asked nicely

“Sure, lets do it but what video” I replied

“What about a tag? I could do your make-up then you can do mine” he asked excitedly.

“Yes how fun, lets go buy some make-up so I don’t murder my good make-up” I got up and took my bag of his bed. We went down to the car and drove to the shops. We picked up foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner pencils, liquid eyeliner, an eyelash curler, mascara, and lipstick. We payed for it and went home.

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