Chapter 6

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I looked at the time it was 12:00pm and the funeral started at 4:00pm I completely forgot about it. I turned to Jc

“Hey Jc, will you come to my Nanna’s funeral with me? I just don’t think I could do it on my own, please?” I pleaded him

“Of course I will, I would do anything for you. Come up stairs and we will get ready together” he said. It made me feel warm inside, he was so nice.

As we got to the room he shut the door, and picked out a nice white button down shirt with a black suit he also had classic men’s plain black shoes. I picked out a plain black dress with black sheer tights with black high heels. I put one of my dad’s old black ties on Jc since he didn’t have one. We got dressed and I did my make-up and hair. It was already 2:30 and thought we should leave because we didn’t want to be late. As we walk down the stairs hand in hand everyone stops and stairs at us. We laugh and say that we will text you guys on the way back. Kian stops us and reminds me that I don’t have their numbers.

“Ok my number is 123-456-789 just text me your name so I know” I said

“Ok sent, now let’s go” Jc smiled and pulled me away. As we reached the car my phone buzzed 6 times I laughed and added them as contacts on my phone. We had been driving for about an hour and had about ten minutes until we got there, so we were running well on time. Suddenly my phone started ringing it was Becca, my best friend who told me the news. I answered quickly

“Hey Becca?”

“Hey Ally, how are you going?”

“Oh yeah I’m alright, how are you??”

“Yeah same, are you coming?”

“Yes I am I’ll be there in ten minutes”

“Ok see you soon, don’t forget flowers love you, bye”

“love you to, bye”

Oh my god! How did you forget to bring flowers. I say in my mind.

“Crap! Jc we don’t have flowers” I panicked

“It’s ok we will pull over here” he assures me. I love how he does that! He knows how to calm me down so perfect.

We pull over into a little shopping village, about a one-minute walk to the church. Flower shops surrounded us and it was pretty romantic. We walked into a little florist on the corner with a little old lady inside. We got a dozen red roses and walked down to the church. I held Jc’s hand tighter and tighter as we got closer to then door but he didn’t seem to mind.

As the ceremony started, lots of people started giving speeches then someone said my name

“Ally…Ally? Did you hear me?”

“Oh yes sorry” I said as Jc whispered

“You have to give a speech, you will be ok I believe in you, I love you” I stand up and walk over to the stand and say…

“I knew her as Nanna but she was much more than that, as most of you know Nanna raised me as a child she is like a mother to me. I love her…a lot” I started to murmur and mumble because I was crying so much. I placed the red roses on her coffin.

“Lets have a moments silence for Nanna” I spit out then put my head down. About a minute passed.

“Thank you everyone” I said and walked back to my seat. After the service many people told me how brave and strong I was.

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