Chapter 2

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“Hey” he said breaking the silence

“Uh umm, oh wow hhhi” I spat out. He laughed at me.

“Hey I’m Jc Caylen but I think you already know that, what’s your name?” he chuckled

“Oh hey I’m A-A-Ally sorry I’m just a bit nervous” I laughed

“Well it’s nice to meet you A-A-Ally! What brings you to America?” he asked warmly

“Well I live over in America, but I was born in Australia. I came to America when I was four so it’s good to visit Australia every once in a while.” I explained

“That’s cool, why did you move?” he asked

“Oh um it’s a long story” I told him

“We have a lot of time on this plane” he reminded me

“Ok well, when I was four my Mum, Dad and I went out to dinner. As we were driving It started raining very heavily and the car span out of control. Our car flipped and wrapped itself around a tree. I was the only one that survived, my parents said that if anything ever happened to them I would go to my Nanna who lived in America so I have been living their ever since” I told him realising I was starting to cry.

“Oh I’m so sorry ad least you are going to see her soon right?!” wrapping his arm around me.

“Well that’s the thing, I was meant to stay in Australia until Sunday, but I got a call this morning from my best friend. She told me that my Nanna had a heart attach and she was too old, they couldn’t save her. Her funeral is tomorrow night and this is the only plane I could catch to get back in time. ” I was really crying now and could hardly talk. I have lost everything. All my family my home everything that matters and now that I am nineteen I have to do everything myself so I had a reason to cry.

“Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. Does this mean you have nowhere to stay?” he asked while squeezing me and pulling me closer to him so I was sobbing on his chest.

“Unfortunately it does, unless I sleep in my car” I manage to say while tears still streaming out of my eyes, making a wet patch all over his top that now is decently see through. I feel him reach into his bag and pull out his phone, it is in my sight so I could see what he was doing. I see him send a text into a group conversation consisting Connor Franta, Ricky Dillon, Sam Pottorff, Trevor Moran and Kian lawley he texts…


I sat down on the plane closest to the window there was no one sitting next to me so I decided to have a nap. As I woke I turned to see a beautiful girl sitting next to me, she had dark brown wavy hair and bright blue eyes. I didn’t think she could get and better until I looked down at what she was doing she was watching ME! I thought it was so cute how she laughed at my little comments. I was staring at her when she jumped and closed her laptop and looked over her shoulder she just sat there amazed for about five minutes.

I broke the silence and she was so cute how she muddled up her words. I thought I upset her when I asked about her family but she was just really upset she had nowhere to stay so I got out my phone and texted the boys.  

Unforgettable love - Jc Caylen fanficWhere stories live. Discover now