Chapter Nine - Empty Pillows

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The heat of the sun started to burn my skin. I can't help but wake up to stop the burning. The blinds on the windows were wide open, letting in the hot sun. I immediately thought the window could be an escape but I quickly realized that a padlock on the windows buried that plan. I sighed and laid back down on the bed, deciding I wasn't ready to get up and face what was in store for me on the horrible day. I turned to my side to hopefully escape the burning sunlight, but I discovered something quite terrifying instead. Sage laid beside me, snoring loudly. A pool of drool was on the pillow he laid his head on. I covered my mouth to stop from screaming. I sat up so quickly that I became light headed and dizzy. Sage suddenly opened one sleepy eye. "Hi (Name)," he smiled and then preceded to laugh shortly. "Get out! Out!" I yelled and grabbed my pillow. I started to repeatedly smack him in the head with it. It didn't do much damage but I liked to image it was. "Okay, fine. I'm leaving." He sat up. I then saw he was wearing nothing but underwear. I screamed even loud and then attempted to hit him again, but he yanked the pillow from my hand. His face was scary and threatening, like he was having dark thoughts about me. Before I could do anything to help myself he... Softly slapped me with the pillow. I stared at him, trying not to look anywhere else. "What are you playing at here," I asked. "Pillow fight!" He yelled and then hit me again. I quickly grabbed his pillow but unfortunately grabbed the part with the pool of drool. I made a vomiting sound and then dropped the pillow. Sage sighed. "If you're going to be so picky about you weapon of choice... Then here." He then handed over a different white fluffy pillow. Which was a bad choice. I started to hit him with all the force I had. He laughed and covered up his face for protection. I pause for a second... Waiting for something. What exactly? I'm not sure. But then he came back and hit me again. Before I knew what was happening, we start to have a really pillow fight. But for me it was more of a pillow war. We got off the bed and the started to smack each other with the soft pillows. This continued for at least twelve minutes until the stuffing inside started to fly out. In under a few seconds, white feather flew all around the room. It cover the bed, the air, the ceiling fan, and even my hair was cover with the small fake feathers. Our pillows were both completely empty and flat. For a second me and Sage shared a stare. But I couldn't help but laugh at the weird situation I had been literally hit into. Of course, Sage started to died of laughter as well. My stomach hurt from laughing and so did my head from been smacked so many times. But then the head ache started to over power the laughs. My ears were ringing and I felt odd. Suddenly memories flash into my mind. The memories of Sage killing people, of him yelling loudly, and then laughing more and more like an insane clown. "Stop!" I silenced him and the memories. "I- I told you to get out. Now go!" I commanded. Unexpectedly Sage actually listened and slowly walked out. I sat back down on the bed and tried to get my thoughts together.

"(Name)? Are you hungry? I brought you some food. It's a pancake in the shape of (your favorite animal)!" Sage's perky voice said behind the door. "Go away! I don't want you! O-Or any of this!" I threw a pillow case at it. But it just slowly floated to the ground. It didn't even come close to hitting the door. I waited for a response from my kidnapper, but I didn't get one. All I got was footsteps shuffling away. I saw his shadow disappear as well from under the door. I don't know why but ever since I've came to this old house of mine I felt different about Sage. Not a good different either. I start to like him, and feel bad for him. I even forget he's a killer and kidnapper at times. The smell of warm syrup drifted from under the doorway. I have to admit, my stomach was growling loudly and I felt like I was about to die from starvation. But I thought dying would be better then having stolkhome syndrome. My thoughts all turned to food. I thought about foods I didn't even like. I started to groan from how bad my stomach ached. The smell started to fill the room and eventually suffocate me. I grabbed a pillow case and bit on it to stop myself. The pain started to worsen every minute, every second. My eyes watered and tears started to pour down my face as I stopped myself from eating. I guess the food from last night didn't suffice my hunger. It was like torture.

A small knock on my door woke me up. I was laying face up on the feathers that cover the bed. No blankets, no pillows. The door knob turned slowly as if I was in a horror movie. A small click signaled the door was unlocked. How stupid of me to leave it unlocked for anyone to walk in. To my surprise, Jack walked into the room. His eyes were tomato red and his face was pale like a ghost. In his trembling hands he held new pillows, blankets, and bathroom supplies like toothpaste. "Jack!" I stood up and ran over to him. He was the only sane person I knew currently. I hugged him tightly around the neck. He was missing yesterday. I didn't know what had happened to him, it worried me. His supplies clatter to the hard wood floor as he wrapped his shaking hands around me as well. He started to cry. Loudly and without stopping for a breath. "What happened to you yesterday?" I pulled away but he wouldn't let me. He couldn't speak. His sobbing grew louder. I pet his hair as a mother would do. My shirt become wet from tears. I looked out the open door Jack and me stood by. The hall was dark with no light in sight. But an ominous lighting illuminated the living room. A tall shadow suddenly appeared in the light. A shadow I recognize leave my door. Sage came closer. With every footstep Jack trembled more. "I-It will be okay... I promise you Jack. I'll find a way out and bring you." I spoke quietly as Sage walked closer. "No. There is no way out." Jack's horse voice replied. Before I could answer him back with hopefully reassuring words, Sage had reached us. "Jack... What are doing? I didn't bring you here for you to just touch (Name) all over! I brought you here to clean, cook, and take blame!" Sage grabbed Jack by the hair and pulled him away from me. I stood frozen as Sage then slapped Jack. But not playful and fun like we did with the pillow fight. It was a loud slap that echo in the house. "Leave my sight," Sage whispered. Jack nodded and ran off. I felt horrible. Not only knowing that I could have stopped that but that I actually felt sorry for the man who abused the person I thought was his friend. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you or do something wrong to you?" Sage looked up at me. He pulled me into a hug like I did to Jack. He closed the door behind him and then sat with me on the bed. I started to cry again and couldn't help but hug him back. All that night we stayed like that. Hugging and crying.


Dude! That was really serious! I can't believe I wrote that...
But it's a Yandere story.
This was more of a filler chapter unfortunately. But I hoped you liked it. But some of the next chapter are going to be as serious as this one so ya.

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