Empty Closet

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I had just started a new school and I already had two friends. Sure they could be creepy at times but I'm not going to ditch them and go back to have no friends. Thomas's arm had linked with mine and Walker's. We looked like the characters from Wizard of Oz as we walked up to the school. I felt awkward about it but Thomas wouldn't let go of my arm. When we went inside the school, I pulled out my class schedule from my pocket. I had planned on them showing me where my classes were. "Okay, so my first class is-" I stop midway in my sentence because Thomas had placed his finger on my lips. He then started to shush me. "No no no no! I'm only showing you the important places; your class is truly unimportant. Don't worry about them," I was going to protest but then he smiled at me. I would do anything for that smile honestly. It was just so charming! "Now, follow me to your new life!" Thomas walked ahead of us. I looked at Walker, a little worried. He shrugged and mouthed 'go along with it'. I stood close to Walker and we followed Thomas. He led us to an average brown door. It didn't look like anything special. At least from the outside. Thomas giggled gleefully as he looked at the door. I looked at Walker again who looked as uncomfortable as I did. "Is he always like this?" I whispered. "Ya, but you'll get used to it." He nodded and smiled a little. Thomas put a finger on the door. He then looked at me. "This is the most important place in this entire building! It is... Drum roll please!" He glanced at Walker. Walker then started to make a sad imitation of a drum roll and moved his hands like he was playing the drums. Cute. "The Ha-Hacienda!" Thomas slowly pulled open the door. The open door revealed a small room that obviously used to be a janitor's closet. But it wasn't just any old ordinary janitor's closet! It had been decorated. There were green and red Christmas lights everywhere that were taped up. There were some photos that were also taped onto the wall. They were taped because thumbtacks wouldn't go through the brick walls. The photos were mostly selfies that Thomas had taken with other people. One photo was of him and Walker. Thomas had his signature big smirk and Walker's was red and he had his arms wrapped around Thomas's waist. Other photos were a little weird. The others consisted of Thomas taking a selfie with someone but their face had been covered up with the face of a celebrity he had taped to the glass frame. Some of the celebrity faces' were Mark Hamill, Victor Hugo, Nichelle Nichols, and Emmy Rossum. Other things in the room were a lot of old books on the shelves, a wheelchair, a few bottles of beer, and some creepy mask hanging around. I literally gasped when I saw the room. Both the boys seemed very happy with my reaction. Thomas took my hand and led me inside while Walker stood close behind. Once we were all inside, Walker closed the door. "This... This is our little paradise! It was abandoned a long time ago and I luckily stumped upon it. Walker and I decorated it, well mostly me." Thomas bragged. "We are going to let you into our group and our secret home. We do have a secret password to get in. It's Rochambeau! Repeat!" he then yelled at me. I froze for a second and glanced at Walker for guidance. All he did was wave his hand to say go on. "Uh... R-Rochambeau?" I stutter. Thomas gave me a thumbs up and Walker just smiled. "Now the rules! Rule one: You do not talk about Ha-Hacienda. Rule two:  You DO NOT talk about Ha-Hacienda. Rule three: We all must meet here before lunch and when school is out. Rule four: If you have an issue or you just want to talk, you have to send a text telling us to meet here. And rule five: If you get one of these texts you must find a way out of class to come here!"  I nod and try to hold back a snicker. They were taking it so seriously that it was just kind of funny. Thomas then gave me a tight hug and Walker joined to make an awkward group hug. After a while the hug made me feel a little light-headed because of how tight it was around my ribs. I coughed and they must have gotten the hit because they quickly pulled away. Thomas then pulled a small pin out of his pocket. It was a pin of some ocean waves. He grabbed a piece of my shirt suddenly. I was about to protest but then he gave me a quite threatening glare. Thomas then pinned the ocean wave onto my shirt (I should have known that was all he was going to do). "Now you are an official member!" Thomas poked the pin. "Neither of you guys have a pin..." I pointed out. Walker and Thomas shared that panicked look at each other again. "It's special... Just for you. Since you're new and all." I shrugged at Walker's response. Thomas offered me a beer but I rejected it. I don't drink. Mainly because it's illegal since I'm only 16 (and a half). A moment of awkward silence passed. "Look at the time! The bell's going to ring in five. Guess we should go. See you at your house at... 3:45 that is if you walk fast enough!" Thomas grabbed Walker's hand and started to leave. "But I don't know where my classes are..." I had unfortunately ignored the whole 'coming to my house' thing. I was too panicked about my classes to even comprehend what else he had said. Walker shrugged and then they closed the door behind them. I was left alone in the room...

Luckily for me, right when I had opened the door to exit, I hit a girl with the door. She fell onto her butt and frowned. She had long blonde hair and a preppy, girly dress. "I'm soo sorry!" I held out my hand to offer help. She took the hand and I pulled her up. Based on her mean popular girl look I expected her to yell at me and then run away. Instead, she surprised me. "Oh, it's not your fault! I'm naturally clumsy," she laughed it off even though I could already see a bruise forming. She started to walk away but then I got an idea. "Hey! Can you help me find my class?" she took a quick look at my schedule and her face lit up. "Omg! We have the same first period! Of course, I'll help you." she then led me to my first class.

Then it was lunch. It turned out that before lunch, Ava and I had the exact same classes. But after lunch is where the similarities ended. The first classes had brought me close to Ava and I would consider her my third friend of the day. I was doing pretty good on the social ladder considering it was my first day. Ava had asked to sit with me at lunch since, apparently, her friend group is going through a lot of girly drama right now. I agreed. We walked down to the  Ha-Hacienda. Thomas and Walker were already waiting for me at the door. Thomas looked shocked when he saw me. "What is she doing here!? Don't you remember rule one!?" he stared at me. Walker pulled up his hood and hid his face. "You said don't talk about it and I didn't," I shrugged. "Ugh! That includes not bring people here," he replied with a groan. I looked beside me to see Ava's reaction but she wasn't there. She was beside Walker. He looked very annoyed and I'd never seen him like that. He's mostly just awkward and embarrassed. I talked Thomas into allowing Ava to eat with us. A few moments later, we were all sitting at a table. Thomas beside me, Ava in front of me, and Walker beside her. Walker was sit hiding his face and no one wanted to talk. They were all being passive aggressive. "What is going on?" I sighed to break the silence. "Walker used to be my boyfriend until he broke up with me for-!" Walker clamped his hand over Ava's mouth to shut her up. I nodded and looked at Thomas. He just rolled his eyes and ate his sandwich. "Okaaaay... So do you guys want to see my schedule?" I tried to change the subject. Walker nodded happily. I pulled out the paper and placed it on the table. Thomas snatched it away before I could lay it down all the way. "Hey! We have the last two classes together. And in your next class is... Walker... Without me." Thomas seemed mad when he realized me and Walker had a class. "She has the first four classes with me!" Ava said proudly. "Shut up," Walker and Thomas said in unison. Maybe letting Ava come here was a bad idea. It seems like there might be more drama here than at her normal friends' table. Thomas kept gazing at the paper. He was rereading it over and over again obsessively. He then crushed the paper by closing his hand into a fist. I grabbed the paper from him. "What the fuck dude?" I straightened out the paper. "Oh! Just a little mood swing!" Thomas laughed for a weird amount of time. After that, the three all started to have an argument about how Ava just can't get over Walker and how he is probably gay. I just enjoyed it. It was quite entertaining. But these were my friends now. Just three crazy people and me.


Heeeeeeey it's done! At 12:48 in the morning when I should be asleep!

Anyway hoped you like and you might want to I don't know comment or vote??

also when I was rereading the chapters I figured out Sage's last name was Thomas and now his name in this is Thomas! What a coincidence...

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