Chapter Five - Empty Park

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It's been two weeks since I moved into this small town. It's been kind of hectic. First meeting Sage and Jack. Then basically becoming best friends with Ava. And not to mention the weird homework the teachers have given me. I've been slammed with homework recently and I have no time anymore. The homework even distracted me from realizing Jack's empty seat in classes, the bus, and the cafeteria. He's been gone for two weeks. Yesterday I asked Sage about it at lunch. His face just turned sour then he smiled. "Sick. Real sick! He's really contagious. Like it's a disease. I wouldn't kiss him if I was a girl," that's all he'd say. I nodded and went along with it. I mostly hang out with Ava now though. But Sage and me eat lunch together occasionally. He's been really... Obsessive. Or more jealous. Every time some guy so much as glanced at me Sage would challenge them to a fight. I just don't get it.

Anyway, the school dance is coming up soon. Just in a few days. Well really it's tomorrow night. I know Jack is sick and all but I still hope he can take me. It's weird isn't it? I sound crazy. I have a crush on a boy I just met. It's sad, I know.

Today I woke up drooling on my homework from last night. My pencil still in my hand trying to write the formula to some math problem. I quickly sat up and wiped my mouth. I glanced at my clock hanging on the wall. 7:34. I screamed in frustration and shoved all my paper into my bag. I had to multitask and change while eating toast. I had already missed the bus so I texted Ava to pick me up and also brushed my teeth at the same time. "Sorry (Name) but I'm already at school" she replied. I sighed and knew what I had to do. Text Sage instead. He answered almost instantly with a bunch of heart and smiling emojis. "Yes of course! Be there in two minutes." He said. I grabbed my bag and walked into the kitchen. A small sticky note was on the fridge. "I have to leave early for work so I can't wake you up for the bus." My mom had written on the note. That would have been great to know yesterday.

Outside a sleek black car drove into the driveway. Sage's head stuck out the window and he waved at me. He wasn't in the driver's seat. He was sitting in the back. Unless it's a self driving car then there must be someone else in there. I ran to the car and tried to open the passenger seat door, but it was locked. So I decided I might as well sit in the back. Sage grinned and patted the seat next to him. Sitting down, I realized the driver was actually Jack. But he was wearing a hospital mask over his face. "Hey Jack!" I reached out to touch him. Sage pulled my hand away and held it. "He's still very contagious. I wouldn't want you to be sick." He pouted like a puppy. "Okay," I frowned and turned away to look out the window. "If you have a car then why take the bus?" I asked curious. "I don't know." He shrugged. After that I didn't know what to say, so it was silent. Eventually we arrived at high school. We all got out and walked up to the entrance. Jack stayed as far away from me as he could. Sage was clinging to my arm like a sloth on a tree. As soon as I reached the door Ava started talking to me. "Oh I was so worried you wouldn't make it!" She hugged me. Sage tugged on my arm and pulled me away from the hug. Ava noticed and then mumbled a curse. She grabbed my other arm and then they started to play tug a war. I didn't care. I was to busy thinking about Jack. I watched him walk away looking kind of sad. I felt so bad and I hadn't even done anything. Some how Ava had won the war and pulled me inside the school. She dragged me far away so Sage wouldn't come back. We stopped at her locker and she opened it. A giant mirror cover the inside of the metal door. She picked up a bag that turned out to be full of makeup stuff. "Sooo, I was hoping that maybe tonight you could help me put up decorations for the school dance." She applied more makeup while taking. "It'd be really fun and we could hang out all night! You know you should wear more makeup," she tried to put lipstick on me but I pushed her hand away. "Um, ya that sounds cool." I replied. "Yay!" Ava smiled and hugged me. "But tell your parents okay?" She added and the slammed her locker shut. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I quickly texted my mom that I'd be really late tonight. "Can't wait to spend all night with you!" She giggled and then ran off to class. I sighed and thought maybe that wasn't such a good idea. I then put away my things and left for class.

In the classes I had with Jack I always tried to sit with him. But he would move away from me. It was obvious he was trying to avoid me but I don't understand why. Even at lunch he wouldn't look at me, talk to me, or anything at all! It kind of freaked me out. So to avoid any awkward moments I decided to stay with Ava in every class and even at lunch. Which is bad because all she does is talk. She doesn't even take a breath when talking. After getting more homework to work on till midnight, the day was over. But not quite for me just yet. I still had to work decorating the gym. "Ready? Just put your stuff away and go to the gym," Ava told me after the bell rang. I nodded and she ran away. I opened my locker but once it opened a pink piece of paper softly landed on the ground. I frowned and then put away my bag. I picked up the note and noticed fancy cursive writing. The note smelled like perfume. "Oops! The gym is the other way!" I heard Ava laugh to herself. She ran past me but stopped and looked at the note. "Ooo! What's that?" She giggled more. I decided to read it out loud. "Dearest (Name), come find me at the top of Clay Park. Be there at 6 o'clock. Signed Jack." I blushed a small bit. "He's going to ask you to the dance!" Ava clapped excited. I shook my head. "No way. Maybe he just wants to talk..." I suggested. "He said to go there right about the time we finish. So you'll just have to wait," she shrugged. Then we left to fix up the gym together.


Three hours later we were finally done. We actually spent most of the time messing around and eating the pizza we ordered. The place looked nice at least. There were a lot of streamers. Ava and me sat on top of a table we had sat up. We were laughing and drinking Coke. Her watch on her left wrist started to buzz. She sighed and stood up on the table. "Okay everyone! It's 5:50. Time to leave. You all did great!" She yelled for all to hear. Everyone started saying goodbye to each other and gathering their things. "You ready to fall in love?" Ava nudged my arm. "Whatever you say," I sighed but smiled. "Have fun kid!" She punched my shoulder. I waved and said bye to the new people I had met just recently. I quickly left and walked to Clay Park. I had to use the gps on my phone to get there though. It was a simple park. Small and average. The moon was already out and all the trees had turned yellow and red. The wind has blowing softly. A giant weeping willow tree sat atop a small hill. I could see a outline of someone up there. I couldn't tell who but I guessed it was Jack. I walked fast enough it might as well be running. Jack was dressed fancy. Not like he was a school. He had a tie, his black church shoes, and his top was tucked in. "Hey Jack," I said to get his attention. He tensed and looked up at me. He stepped over to me and grabbed my shoulders. "I'm sorry. Forgive me please." I noticed he was crying. His hands were shaking violently. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" I asked, trying to help. "No no. Just say you'll forgive!" He yelled suddenly. "I-I'll forgive you. What did you do?" Jack started to cry more. He looked behind me and his eyes widened. Suddenly some cloth covered up my eyes. Someone forced my hands behind me and tied a scratchy rope around my wrist. "J-Jack..." I said. "Nope!" Someone poked my nose. "It's Sage! Isn't that better then some weird know it all?" Arms wrapped around me, giving me a hug. "What are you doing?" I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. "You know, I was honestly hoping you wouldn't come. If you didn't that would me you don't love Jack. Well, we'll change that. Either way it was a win win for me. Like it should be." Sage laughed. "Come on let's go," he snapped his fingers. Someone, I assume Jack, took my elbow and pulled me down the hill. "Jack. Let me go." I whispered. "(Name), speak loud so I can hear you. There will be no talking to the person you call Jack." Sage flicked my ear. I heard a car door open. "Duck down," Jack mumbled. I did and then I fell onto a leather seat. The car started and the door closed. I was suddenly pushed backwards as the car drove away. Great. I'm being kidnapped by my crush and his insane friend. Life could not get better.

Empty Shell - Yandere X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora