'Bye Andrew... thank you for this year.'

'You too Y/N. Well meet up soon.'


He let you go. Hermione walked towards you and Harry walked to Draco.

'I wish you all the best Y/N.'

'You too Hermione.'

They switched placed and you hugged Harry.

'Thank you for the most adventurous time Hogwarts has ever had... scar head.'

He grinned and sighed. 

'Well... we've never been enemies Y/N, I hope you realise.'

'I know Harry... good luck with everything.'

He let you go and you smiled. Ron walked towards you and gave you a hug while Ginny hugged Draco.

'I'm sorry about my behavior at the start of the year... You're a truly great person Y/N.'

'You are amazing too... it doesn't matter at all. Sat hi to George from me.'

Then you hugged Ginny.

'Goodbye Y/N! We'll see you soon.'

'Bye Ginny, enjoy life with Harry.'

'I will.' she grinned.

She let you go. You looked at Draco and passed him a sad smile. He walked towards you and pulled you in his arms. You hugged him back. You stepped back and wiped a tear from your cheek.

'I can't believe that it's over... all of it.' You sighed. 

Narcissa and Lucius approached.

'Hi guys.' Narcissa smiled.

'Hi mom, hi dad... uhm... I might have to tell you something.' He spoke while scratching the back of his head.

'What is it?' Lucius asked.

'Uhm...' Draco started.

'I'm pregnant.' You quickly spoke.

Narcissa and Lucius looked at you in surprise.

'Seriously? Draco, dear-'

'I know... we're a bit young.'

'No that's not what I was going to say... it's true though... but it's also great. I can see that you're happy about it! Congrats.' Narcissa smiled before hugging him and you.

Lucius walked towards Draco.

'As long as you take good care of them, it's fine by me.' He said before hugging him.

'You guys can go if you want to... I just want to go home for a moment.' You said.

'Maybe it's not smart if you go alone... let me join you Y/N.' Draco spoke.

'Well drive you there.' Narcissa smiled.

You nodded.

'Bye guys.' You smiled.


You got out of the car and looked at your house. Draco wanted to get out as well.

'Draco... maybe you should give her a moment.'

You sighed and grabbed your wand. You walked towards the front door.

'Alohomora.' You mumbled.

You slowly opened the door and found your manor just like you left it. You walked in, not closing the door behind you, and you looked around.

The pictures on the wall were still the same. Your parents at you... just smiling. Tears stung in your eyes. What an emotional day. You sighed and continued walking. You moved your hand passed the furniture and walked through the living room. You didn't know whether or not it was smart to come here. You grabbed one of the pictures of your parents from the table and sighed.

You walked into the garden and grabbed your wand. You used a spell the bring the flowers back to their original state. You grabbed a few of them and walked towards a tree in the garden where you used to play with them when you were a kid. You placed the picture there. You put the flowers in front of it and sighed. 

'Y/N... are you okay?'

You turned around and saw Draco.

'Are they in a better place?' You chocked.

'I think they are... do you feel like they're here? With you?' He asked.

You just nodded. Narcissa and Lucius stared at the two of you from the back door.

'Well... if you do...'

Draco grabbed your hands and looked at you.

'We're here... with your parents sort of, in our thoughts... Y/N, you're the best, most beautiful girl I have ever met... and now you're going to be the mother of my child and I can't tell you how happy I am. So...'

He let your hands go and grabbed a little box from his pocket. He opened it and it had a diamond ring inside. You covered your mouth with your hands and he got onto one knee. He grabbed one of your hands and showed you the ring with the other one.

'Y/N, will you marry me?' He asked.

Tears of happiness rolled down your cheeks and you couldn't speak.  You just nodded and Draco smiled and put the ring on your hand. He got up and you kissed him...


So here is the tag!

Do you like someone: I do, a guy from my work

Does he like you back: No, my best friend did her research and found out that he has a girlfriend... fml am I right xD

Do you have a middle name: nope

Single or taken: single

Who's the last person you texted: my sister _xaniekx_

What's the last song I listened to: Monster from Skillet

Battery percentage: 44%

Who's your best female friend: I have 2, Ilze (who's not on wattpad) and SlytherinBeauty1

Who's your best guy friend: I have no best guy friend

Why did I make this account: Because I am a huge fan of Draco Malfoy and I wanted to share my story ideas with all of you guys!

What's the lock screen of your phone:

Tom felton of course ♡♡ look how cute he is

When is my birthday: the 5th of March

I tag:


Bye guys!

Filthy Death Eaters || Draco X Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now